Birthday Arc~His Butler, Hunting

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Several months have passed since y/n and has been rescued and joined the Phantomhive Household. However, it took her quite some time before she had proper control over her own body again and could finally serve and repay Ciel.

So far, y/n's job was aiding Sebastian in helping Ciel with getting his breakfast ready and assist with anything he asks of her. And she would do so obediently.

At the current moment, she was bringing the young earl's breakfast while Sebastian opened the curtains before shaking Ciel awake,"Young Master... Young Master..." he gently coaxes the boy from his slumber, but it was obvious Ciel was having a nightmare,"Young Master!" Sebastian calls out louder and with a gasp, Ciel's eyes snap open and he swiftly grabs the gun hidden under his pillow, pointing it at Sebastian forehead.

Of course, y/n was startled by this. It being the first time she's seen Ciel so frightened and defensive. Like a prey cornered by its predator. She wasn't the only surprised by this, Sebastian was as well,"Don't... touch me..." Ciel utters fearfully before Sebastian offers him a smile.

He then turns to the trolley,"Today's morning tea is Assam black tea with added milk. It is a milk tea which I prepared." he explains as he pours Ciel a cup of tea,"Milk can help to soothe one's nerves, and calm you down. Especially after a nightmare." he adds before handing y/n the cup to give to Ciel, who finally calms down.

"Here you are, Master." y/n offers a gentle smile, to which Ciel nods as he accepts his tea while Sebastian spots a book on Ciel's bed and picks it up to read the cover,"Hmm. It must be because you were reading Edgar Poe's works before bedtime." he remarks.

"I have the pleasure of doing anything I please." Ciel retorts before lifting his teacup to his lips,"What's the schedule for today?" he asks before sipping his tea,"Today, you will need to assess the files send by the company. You will be having Marchioness Middleford and Lady Elizabeth as guests in the afternoon." Sebastian lists, but Ciel almost chokes on his tea at the last part.

"Oh no!" he yelps before shoving his cup back into y/n's hands and fumbling out of bed,"And also, young master, your..." Sebastian stops once he took note of Ciel's panicked state while y/n turned around when the young earl started fumbling with his buttons.

"Hurry up and make preparations! Hurry!" he says wirh urgency, confusing Sebastian,"There's no need to be so anxious, the Marchioness will only arrive in the afternoon..." he tells him,"You fool!" Ciel cuts him off,"This is Aunt Frances you are talking about!" he exclaims and y/n perks up at this,"I'll quickly prepare you some clothes then." she says and speedily made her way into Ciel's closet and grabs him some fitting clothes for the day before handing it off to Sebastian.

"I'll take the cart back to kitchen as well." she adds before swiftly leaving the room with the trolley in hand, leaving a bashful Ciel behind,"I bloody forgot she was in here..." he curses, embarrassed to have almost completely undressed himself in front of a lady,"Still even after all these months, young master?" Sebastian teases, which earns him a glare.

Back with y/n, she returned to the kitchen where Mey-Rin, Bard, and Tanaka currently are,"Morning everyone." she greets politely,"Morning y/n." Mey-Rin greets back while Bard just gives her good morning grunt while Tanaka gives her nod of acknowledgement.

During the months, y/n has bonded with the servants a lot. Bard was like a uncle slash father figure to her, Mey-Rin a dear sister, Tanaka a grandfather and Finny was her best friend. She cares deeply for them and would even kill for them if necessary. They're her family now.

They brought light back into her life.

While washing the dishes, y/n was humming a lullaby she remembers her mother always sang to her and her brother before being cursed,"That is a lovely melody, yes it is." Mey-Rin smiles as Bard blows some smoke, silently enjoying the serenity the song brought,"Everyone! Everyone! We have a problem!" Finny shouts as he ran into the kitchen suddenly.

Black Butler x reader: Puppeteer TheaterWhere stories live. Discover now