Lazy Hazy Crazy Days

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Genevieve Lorelai Gilmore woke to the phone ringing at approximately four in the morning. She knew right away that it was her crazy, yet lovable mother.

"You have reached Geneveive Lorelai Gilmore, speak now or forever hold your peace" the tired girl sat up in bed, half asleep, half awake.

"Hello, my other half-spring! I need you to dissect this dream real fast" The panicked voice of Lorelai Victoria Gilmore came rushing through the phone. 'Half-spring' was what Gen and Rory's mother liked to call them. Lorelai logic meant that the twins were each one half of the other until they were together. Then they were considered 'whole-spring'.

Lorelai thought she was funny.

Gen and Rory did not.

"Your dream is telling you; you need sleep. When was the last time you got approximately seven hours mom?" Gen asked flipping over onto her side. Lorelai had taken turns calling Gen and Rory at ungodly hours in the morning since the beginning of the summer.

The twins were each away at internships. Rory, in Washington DC because she was elected student body Vice-President. Gen, in North Carolina because the state had the best pharmacy school in the United States. Gen was lucky that her best friend Bailey DuGray had gotten accepted to their medical internship program.

Gen had wanted to go into STEM ever since she was five and picked up a book about woman in STEM. She wanted to go into pharmacy since she was ten and Bailey's mother's 'happy' pills fascinated her. The compounds and molecules that go into making different kinds of drugs that could be administered to different individuals was just truly interesting.

Gen had met Bailey on her and Rory's first day at Chilton Preparatory Academy. The morning had started off with Lorelai sleeping in late and a pair of angry twins had awoken their poor mother. Then after a stern talking to with the headmaster who basically told them that they: 'Did not have what it took to live up to Chilton's expectations', Gen had gotten lost for her first class and wound up on the other side of the school. There, she had run into a tall, spunky looking girl with blonde curls tied up in a neat ponytail. Blowing a piece of bubble gum in her mouth, the said girl had introduced herself as Bailey DuGray and asked Gen if she knew who Madame Curie was.

The brunette had taken an instant liking to her, because no one she had met knew who Marie Curie was. The pair had been inseparable since.

"I don't need sleep; I need my dream analyzed oh dear daughter of mine" Lorelai rambled on causing Gen to jump out of her thoughts. Sighing, the girl decided to appease her mother so she could hopefully get some sleep. "Okay, what did you dream about this time?"

"I am lying in bed, and I am sleeping. I am wearing this absolutely fabulous night gown. All of a sudden, a dozen or so alarm clocks go off. They are all furry by the way. I get up out of bed and go downstairs; there in the kitchen is Luke!"

"Was he naked?" Gen asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, that's what your sister said too." Lorelai responds continuing with the story. "He was making breakfast, pancakes and bacon."

"Naked?" Gen asks again knowing her mother, the dream was definitely dirty.

"Again, with the nakedness! No, he was not naked. But he did hide my coffee and switch it with decaf, which I totally found because the nose." her mother continues babbling about the dream she had.

Wiping some of the sleep out of her eyes, Genevieve heads over to the shared closet careful not to wake Bailey sleeping on the other side of the shared dorm room. Grabbing her clothes to go for a jog she holds the phone to one side of her ear as her mother continues chattering.

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