They Shoot Gilmores Don't They?

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"I don't understand why you had me arrive at 5:30, if this thing doesn't start for another hour?" Tristan grumbled as the pair walked hand in hand to check in for the dance marathon. 

Genevieve was decked out in a lovely white dress with blue flowers on it. Her hair was curled and pinned up in an elegant ponytail. White gloves were on her hands, along with saddle shoes she had found at the thrift store. 

Tristan was wearing the classic look from the 1950's. He had on a suit and tie, with a pocket watch and handkerchief tucked into the pocket. His blonde hair was slicked back just so, giving him the perfect look. 

The couple looked like they were spit out from a fifty's movie. 

Tugging on the boy's hand Gen urged him to go faster. "Yes, Tristan, it is necessary. I want to make sure we get checked in and to find a good spot on the dance floor. I promise I will buy you a cup of coffee. Luke is selling them from his coffee cart." 

Making a face, but letting the girl tug him to stand in the line with the rest of the town who decided to get up early, Tristan figured it was good of him to go along with Gen. 

"Morning Babette!" Gen chirped as they walked up to greet the crazy, but sweet lady who was like a great aunt to her. 

"Morning Doll, you two look wonderful! Straight out of a fifty's magazine!" The blonde-haired lady commented. She was wearing a navy dress with flowers and a matching hat, her hair pulled back in a bun. 

Handing two clipboards to Gen and Tristan, Babette pointed to Miss Patty's which was being used as a nurse station. "Go on in and get your physicals, you will get a number which you will want to pin on your back, and you are all set." 

Grabbing Tristan's hand, Gen thanked the women and the two set off to Miss Patty's.


"Your town does not do anything halfway do they?" Tristan asked Gen as they walked hand in hand inside the Stars Hollow High gymnasium where the dance marathon was taking place. 

Balloons and ribbon decorated the stands and the ceilings and the walls. A gigantic disco ball was in the middle of the ceiling. There was a band that Taylor must have hired to play songs while the couples danced. A sign said how many hours and couples remained which would change when someone decided to quit or faint from exhaustion. 

Taylor and Miss Patty stood behind a booth while the man was holding what looked like a gigantic megaphone barking orders. 

"Hey, I see my mom and sister. Ooh coffee!" Gen led them over to Luke's coffee cart where Lorelai was currently trying to get the man to give them coffee. Finally, he wore down and handed them a mug brewing with hot fresh coffee. 

Handing a flask that felt cold, Gen took a sip. "Thanks, Luke, my favorite!" 

Giving her mom and sister a hug, Gen stepped back to admire their outfits. Lorelai had on a navy dress that was sparkly and her hair was curled. Rory had on a polka dot white and red dress with her hair pulled back in an upside curly ponytail. 

"I see you went with the vintage heels Mom, good choice." The black-haired girl said as she pulled Tristan to say hi to her family. Lorelai wasn't the biggest fan of Tristan at first, but once she got to know Bailey, she realized that her twin couldn't have been that bad. Rory slowly tolerated him once she got over the whole, 'He has a crush on me' bit, and the two formed somewhat of a friendship. 

"You remember Tristan? Mom, Ror?" Genevieve asked as she tilted her head, her blue eyes brimming with something unrecognizable. She gave a look to her sister and mother as if saying 'Be nice.' 

Lorelai smiled that classic Lorelai smile as she shook the blonde's hand. "Hello Tristan! What a pleasant surprise, Bailey told me that you are in North Carolina for school. How were you able to get back? Did you tell them you were coming to a sock hop?" 

Tristan smiled back as well. "I wish, fortunately, our fall break happened to be this weekend. Poor Bails, tripped and sprained her ankle, so I stepped in being the gracious friend and all." 

A frown creeped on Lorelai's face. "Is she okay? Gen, why didn't you mention this?" She asked her daughter. 

"I was going to, but I got back late last night, and you and Rory were already asleep. Don't worry, she's fine, the doctor said to stay off for a while, but she should be good as new for state. I think she also mentioned she is coming later to watch us. The painkillers, they gave her knocked her out cold." Genevieve spoke as the four made their way to the dance floor. 

"Wait-why is Rory dancing with you?" Gen asked as Taylor started the countdown. 

"Long story, I'll fill you in later kid. We got a trophy to win!" Lorelai shouted over the buzzer. 

This time it was Tristan's turn to grab Gen as he led them on the dance floor. 

Jazz type music started playing and the pair danced to the beat. 

"This is giving me flashbacks to the Chilton dance we went to together your first year." Tristan grinned down at Genevieve. 

Those pesky butterflies started swarming again in the girl's stomach. Gen was tall for her age. Both her and Rory were about 5'5'' and Lorelai was about 5'7'' herself. Tristan always toward over the curly haired girl standing around 6'2''. 

"That's right! You awkwardly asked me to dance, and me being me, was very nice and did not hurt your feelings at all. However, you were a jerk to Rory's boyfriend, and almost got us kicked out." Gen replied smiling. 

Tristan had asked Gen to the dance as friends, when Rory turned the boy down, rather rudely; the pair had danced to a couple of songs before the blonde decided to nag on Rory and Dean. They had found themselves at a record store with cups of steaming hot chocolate in their hands (Gen had caved since it was about negative five out). That was when the two had their first kiss. 

The boy had drove Gen home where he kissed her goodnight. 

Swinging Gen around, Tristan gave a cheeky smile. "Ah yes, how is bag boy by the way? Are him and Rory still walking around like an old married couple." 

Swatting him, Genevive let out a laugh. "Shush, he'll hear you!" She giggled, pointing to Dean who had just walked through the door and was making his way towards them. 

"Yes, unfortunately, they just celebrated their two-and-a-half-year anniversary. I am hoping they break up soon. Rory needs to date Jess!" Gen spilled. 

Laughing the pair watched as Dean bent down to kiss Rory and converse in a conversation with Lorelai before making his way to Tristan and Gen. 

The two had made up before Tristan went off to military school, especially when Gen and the boy were dating and tagged along on the occasional triple dates. The boys weren't the best of friends, but they were friendly. 

"Hey man, how's military school? They kick you out yet?" Dean joked as he gave Tristan the bro handshake. Laughing the blonde shook his head. "Not yet, but I am hoping to make it to graduation. I can't wait to get the hell out of that place." 

Turning to Gen, he gave her a hug before making his way to find a spot at the bleachers. 

"Yuck! Listen, if you're here all weekend then we need to start on Operation Break up as soon as possible, if they don't break up before then..." 

A huge air horn sounded as Tristan opened his mouth to respond. "Security! Security! Unauthorized persons on the dance floor!" Gen glanced up to see Taylor shouting at Jess and Shane who were marching across the floor and low and behold, right where Lorelai and Rory were dancing. 

Smirking at Tristan, Gen spoke, "This day, suddenly got interesting!" 

AN: YAY! Second part of my favorite episode is up. I cannot wait to get this story rolling. I have so many ideas, I just want to skip straight to the good stuff. I plan on posting the third part possibly tonight or tomorrow. I am starting a summer class Monday, so may not have time to write, but I will try! 

Question: Would you rather have Gen meet Logan during season three, season four, or season five? Let me know!!! 

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