11 - Last Princes of Wales 1407-1409

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The Last Princes of Wales

Character List

I'm not going to lie this is a complicated historical novel. About five people have the same name, I don't even know, the rest have names with only two vowels or so many vowels but at least they're unique. Two people claim the same title. It's about to get complicated we'll do our best.

Defenders of Aberystwyth

Rhys Ddu ap Gruffyd (Rhys the black) (called Rhys) { rees thee ab grif-ith }: primary commander of Aberystwyth, an experienced soldier

Louis Mone: information unknown, likely a priest

Owain ap Gruffyd (called Owain){oh-wine ab grif-ith}: brother of Rhys, also a commander of Aberystwyth

Ieuan ap Gruffyd (called Ieuan) {ya-yan ab grif-ith}: likely a son of Owain Glyndwr

Rees ap David ap Gruffyd ap Ieuan (called Rees): son of Ieuan

Gryffud ap David ap Ieaun ap Madoc (called Gryffud): son of Ieuan

Owain ap Gruffyd ap Ieaun Blont (called Blont): son of Ieuan

Meredith ap Rhys ap Roderagh (called Meredith): son of Rhys

**Note about Welsh Naming: 'ap' means son of, 'fetch' means daughter of. In brief, you'd carry the names of any parents significant to you, their first name, if you were illegitmate, you may or may not have your father's name. Since the Gryffud family was important, many wanted to carry that name, hence having three names. That's simplified, but that's basically how it goes.

Defenders of Harlech

Owain ap Gryffud (known as Owain Glyndwr), Prince of Wales (Tywysog Cymru): descendant of the last legitimate prince of wales, an experienced military commander educated in law at Westminster, and a brave soldier. Married to Margaret Hamner, with whom he has several children. About fifty five years old.

Margaret Hamner, Princess of Wales: wife of Owain, loyal and brave, she supports her husband's claim. She and Owain have several grown children.

Catrin ferch Owain ferch Magaret: eldest daughter of Owain and Margaret, married to Edmund Mortimer, a claimant to the english throne, with whom she has three daughters.

Edmund Mortimer: English claimant to the throne and cousin of the monarchy. Began as Owain's captive but as he was never ransomed chose to stay and marry Catrin. In severe ill health. He and Catrin have three young daughters.

English Assailants

Henry of Monmouth, Prince of Wales (called Harry of Monmouth by the Welsh): crown prince, and claimant to the kingdom of Wales. Ambitious and bloodthirsty, has been warring in Wales since his early teens, now about twenty.

Edward, Duke of York: cousin of Henry, quiet and good natured, very loyal to the crown. About ten years older than Henry. Unmarried.

Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick (called Warwick): young earl, about five years older than Henry. Friends with Henry, he's an accomplished knight and tournament champion. Married.

John Oldcastle: an experienced knight, who was partially in charge of the crown prince's tutalage, and one of his personal minders. About ten to fifteen years older than the crown prince, and a long time mentor. Privately a Lollard.

Richard Courtenay of Devon: priest originally from Oxford, now one of the prince's trusted companions and strategists. Pathologically deceitful and highly driven. About a year or so older than Henry.

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