24 - The Boar 1471-1480

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The Boar (Part 2)

This is a review, with just a few additions of characters who don't really appear at all in the first half. All of this is further complicated by each side calling the other side "Tom/Dick/Harry of Wherever' instead of their title because they don't recognize the other having a title (E.g. Henry VI to the Yorks, is Henry of Lancaster, Richard III to the Lancasters, is Richard of York, etc). Oh and three fucking people are called Edward Prince of Wales. Have fun!

Henry, King of England: king of England since he was 9 months old, very pious and principled to a fault. Ailing. Husband of Margret, father of Edward.

Margret of Anjou, Queen of England: queen of england since she was sixteen, highly intelligent and a very good military leader, wife of Henry, mother of Edward

Edward, Prince of Wales: son of Henry and Margret, born while his father was in a coma

Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond: husband of Margret Beaufort, brother of Jasper Tudor, son of Owen Tudor, half brother to King Henry on his mother's side. Father of Henry Tudor

Owen Tudor: father of Edmund and Jasper, step father to King Henry

Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke: brother of Edmund and King Henry, uncle of Henry Tudor, son of Owen Tudor. A capable military leader and better spy.

Henry Tudor, Earl of Richmond: son of Edmund and Margret Beaufort, born after his father's death, raised in the care of his uncle

Margret Beaufort: widow of Edmund Tudor, intelligent though reserved, and very pious, loyal to her son and brother in law

Somerset (Elder): Earl of Somerset, of the Beaufort family, he knew King Henry's mother very well in their youth. Now a loyal supporter of the Lancasters

Somerset (Younger): cousin of Margret Beaufort, not necessarily a good leader but loyal to the Lancasters, known for being handsome. In a relationship with Joan Hill, with whom he has a son, Charles

Henry Stafford: second husband of Margret Beaufort, friend of Jasper Tudor, of a noble family, suffering from some form of skin disease he's usually sickly.

Lord Stanley: third husband of Margret Beaufort, has loyalty only to his own neck and advancement, his skill on the battlefield does not begin to compare to his skill at changing sides

Henry "Harry" Holland, Third Duke of Exeter: loyal Lancasterian, third in line to the throne because is King Henry's only male second cousin, unambitious but ruthless in warfare. Friend of Jasper Tudor and Somerset. Married legally to Anne of York.


Richard of York: only surviving heir to Edmund of York, a junior brother to King Henry's great grandfather and therefore a royal, if lower claim. He is ambitious though not an excellent military leader. He served in France for many years, and was angry at being removed, even though he was giving Lordship of Ireland. Husband of Cecily. Father of many children including, Edward, George, and Richard.

Cecily of York: wife of Richard, intelligent and reserved

Richard, King of England, Duke of Gloucester: last surviving son of Richard of York and Cecily, a capable and fearless soldier, though highly religious. Husband of Anne, father of Edward and Katherine.

Anne Neville, Queen of England: married firstly to Edward, Prince of Wales, secondly to King Richard, with whom she has a son and a daughter.. Daughter of Warwick 'Kingmaker' Neville.

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