22 - Son of Prophesy 1435-1485

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Son of Prophesy

Character List

Once again this is a somewhat complicated historical novel. Everyone has literally the same name, Richard or Henry, so that's going to be fun. Anyway, characters deceased as of 1487 will be marked as such.

Lancasterians /Tudors (Red Roses)

Henry VI, King of England (deceased): King of England from age nine months till his eventual deposition at Yorkist hands, at the age of 49. Mild mannered and soft spoken, severely ill later in life, father of Edward, husband of Margret.

Margret of Anjou, Queen of England (deceased): queen of england from fifteen years old, at her marriage to Henry. Fierce, and clever. Mother of Edward.

Edward, Prince of Wales (deceased): son of Henry and Margret, born at the start of the so called War of the Roses

Owen Tudor (deceased): father of Jasper and Edmund, step father to Henry, husband of Catherine

Henry Holland (Harry), 3rd Duke of Exeter (Fate unknown): heir to the dukedom of Exeter and earldom of Huntington, ill tempered and violent. Only son and eldest child. Cousin to King Henry.

Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond (deceased): brother of Jasper, father of Henry VII, son of Owen.

Margret Beaufort: wife of Edmund, mother of Henry VII, has married since

Henry VII, King of England: Assumes control of the crown after defeated Richard III at Bosworth Field. Nephew of Jasper.

Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke, Duke of Buckingham: brother of Edmund and Henry, son of Owen, one of the few surviving Lancastrian generals

The Somerset below are all Lancaster supporters, here's the difference between them
Somerset (deceased): a Lancaster supporter, named Edmund Beaufort
Somerset (deceased) A Lancaster supporter, son of the first Edmund Beaufort, Earl of Somerset, also named Edmund Beaufort
Somerset (deceased): Duke of Somerset, John Beaufort, father of Margret Beaufort, elder brother of Edmund Beaufort the first Earl of Somerset,

Catherine Woodville, Duchess of Buckingham: wife of Jasper Tudor, as of 1485, has four children from her first marriage, Edward, Elizabeth, Henry, and Anne.

Henry Stafford (deceased): second husband of Margret Beaufort

Catherine of Valois (deceased): mother of Jasper and Edmund, by Owen Tudor her husband, and Henry VI, by Henry V of England, her first husband.

Warwick (deceased): Richard Beauchamp, an Earl of Warwick, was Henry VI's sword master at his father's direction, not a relation to the Kingmaker Warwick, well, this man's daughter, married Richard Neville so he got the Earldom, but it's technically a different family line. This man had a son (also named Henry) a friend of Henry VI, but that son died young. This Warwick died in 1439, prior to most of the book's action.

Yorkists (White Roses)

Edward IV, King of England (deceased): king of England after deposing Henry VI, and murdering him. Womanizer.

Richard III, King of England (deceased): King of England after his brother's death and declaring his brother's illegitimate children illegitimate. Highly religious and introverted, but a very capable commander. Married to Anne with one child, both predecease him, though it was a happy marriage. Dies in the battle of Bosworth field.

Anne Neville, Queen of England (deceased): wife of Richard III, widow of Prince Edward.
George, Duke of Clarence (deceased): scheming but unintelligent brother of Richard and Edward, switches sides

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