20 - Feast of Fools 1445

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Feast of Fools

Character List
I'm not going to lie this gets confusing, less because of the greater than two people named Henry, and more because of everyone's intriguing family history and subsequent political alignment. For that reason this book technically takes place before Son of Prophesy, but I'm spacing it afterward simply because that gives a slower introduction to the characters in this era of history. As always I'm going to explain things in the narrative but...there's a lot

House Lancaster (Red roses, although that badge was not used here nor was 'house' titles, but we've got to do this somehow...)

Henry the Sixth, King of England: king of england since he was nine months old, was governed primarily by a council until he reached fifteen years of age when he began to govern in his own right. Kind and merciful, if naive, he is deeply religious and spiritual. Married to Margret, half brother to the Tudors, step son to Owen Tudor. Twenty four years old.

Margret of Anjou: Queen of England: queen of england. Intelligent, bold, and driven, only sixteen years of age and newly married to Henry. All of her family is in France and she brought little staff with her.

Henry Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick: Close personal friend of King Henry, son of his swordmaster the two men grew up together. He has little allegiance or ambition beyond helping the King. Married to Cecily, with a young daughter. About twenty years old.

John Holland, (Jack) Duke of Exeter: cousin to King Henry, was a close personal friend of Henry the Fifth, warring in France with him for years. To that end he's unfailingly loyal to this King Henry, as are his sons. He is the son of an older sister of Henry IV, making him a senior cousin to the crown through the female line. An experience soldier, now Constable of the Tower of London. Has three illegitimate sons, and one legitimate son, about fifty years old.

Henry 'Harry' Holland, Earl of Huntington: only legitimate son of John Holland, cousin of King Henry, has a reputation for being unpleasant to deal with though he allies fine with his Lancasterian cousins. About fourteen years old.

Henry Beaufort, Cardinal: extremely rich great uncle of King Henry. He is a younger, illegitimate half brother of Henry IV, although he was only about ten years older than Henry V, who he was Chancellor for. Ruled during this King Henry's minority and was one of his guardians. Due to his vast inheritance from his father, Duke of Lancaster, he is one of the richest men in England, and the crown is heavily indebted to him. He has an illegitimate daughter, Jane, by whom he has grandchildren. Cunning and highly manipulative he's seen three kings come and go. Now in his early seventies (about).

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester: only surviving uncle of King Henry, and technically his heir apparent though by now he is mostly disgraced. His wife has been accused of conspiring against the king and is now separated from him. Due to his aggressive desire for war in France he's mostly no longer active in politics, primarily thanks to Cardinal Beaufort whom he made the mistake of butting heads with. Cruel and argumentative, he's in his mid fifties.

Edmund Beaufort, Earl of Somerset: cousin of King Henry. His father, was the older brother of Cardinal Beaufort, and his mother remarried Henry V's younger brother Thomas, to which confusing end he's solidly a Lancaster. Manipulative and cunning, he was best friends with Dowager Queen Catherine and one of her sons is named after him. Generally supportive of King Henry. Is married with several children. In his mid forties.

William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk "Jackanapes" : from a family of blue blooded knights, served the late King Henry V since Harfluer, saw extensive service in France, though prefers diplomatic resolution to conflict. Friend and courtier of Cardinal Beaufort, and trusted by King Henry. Married to Alice Chaucer, the daughter of Thomas Chaucer, who was first cousin to Cardinal Beaufort. In his mid forties.

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