12 - Kings of Misrule 1411

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Kings of Misrule

Character List
Once again this is a complicated historical novel. Everyone has at least three different names.

King Henry IV of England: King of England since he deposed his cousin, Richard II, in 1399. Currently ailing. Married previously to Mary de Bohun, currently married to Joan of Navarre, has seven children.

King Richard II of England (deceased): King of England from when he was ten years old, till 1399 when at age 33 he was deposed and killed by his cousin King Henry IV.

Mary de Bohun (deceased): first wife of King Henry IV, died in childbirth of their sixth child at the age twenty four.

Joan of Navarre: wife of King Henry IV, they have no children together, though she is a stepmother to his many children. Likely practices witchcraft, a clever politician.

Henry, Prince of Wales (called Hal by his family): crown prince and heir to the throne. Cruel and clever. Unwed, spends most of his time running the country. He is twenty four years old.

Thomas, Duke of Clarence: second oldest child of King Henry and Mary. Not clever or quick, does as his father or brother tells him. Married to Margret Holland. He is twenty three years old.

John, Duke of Bedford: third oldest child of King Henry and Mary. Better natured than Hal but equally clever. He is twenty two years old.

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester: fourth oldest child of King Henry and Mary. Intelligent and learned but very short tempered. He is twenty one years old.

Blanche of Lancaster, Lady of the Garter (deceased): fifth born child of King Henry and Mary, married to the prince of Germany, died at age seventeen in childbirth.

Philippa of Lancaster: queen of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, youngest child of King Henry and Mary, her mother died giving birth to her. She is sixteen years old.

Margret Holland: married to Thomas, Duke of Clarence. They are newly married, and she has six children from her first marriage. She is twenty six years old.

John Holland, Second Duke of Exeter: cousin of Margret Holland on his father's side, and cousin to the Lancaster children on his mother's. His father was executed for trying to usurp Henry IV. He is sixteen years old.

James I, King of Scotland: king of Scotland who lives in captivity in the English court, primarily under the care of the Prince of Wales, and the Queen, he is seventeen years old.

Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March: was Richard II's heir to the throne, now lives in captivity of the english court primary under the Prince of Wales. Is twenty years old.

Henry Scrope, third Baron Scrope of Marsham: minor noble and confidant of the Prince of Wales. He is trusted by the prince and often works for him. in his mid to late thirties.

Richard Courtenay, Chancellor of Oxford: close friend and confidant of the Prince of Wales. Of minor noble family, an ordained priest known for being pretty and clever. Likely in his mid twenties.

Thomas (Tom) Chaucer, Speaker of Parliament: son of poet Geoffrey Chaucer, friend of the royal family and holds a variety of posts, including speaking for parliament. He is forty four, the same age as King Henry.

Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester: half-brother to the king, close to his nephew the Prince of Wales. He is unwed, as a priest, but has had an affair and is raising his daughter from it. Thirty six years old.

The year is 1411.

In 1399, King Henry IV overthrew and murdered his cousin, Richard II, and crowned himself King of England, becoming the first member of House Lancaster to hold the throne.

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