15 - No Covenents 1415-1419

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No Covenants

This is a complicated historical novel, there's a lot of people involved, living and dead.

French Defenders of Rouen

Alain Blanchard: leader of the crossbowmen
Guy le Butieller: commander of the garrison

French Royal Family

Charles VI: king of France, ailing and suffering from schitzophrenia for many years, weak and ineffective.
Isabeau Queen of France: wife to Charles, mother of their many children
Charles, the Dauphin: after the deaths of his older brothers, heir apparent, though only in his late teens.
John the Fearless: Duke of Burgendy whom is vying for power in France, the english have been playing him off the french monarchy
Catherine of Valois: princess of France, youngest daughter but only one unwed, and so has been the object of marriage negotiations to the english for most of her life. Is fourteen years younger than her intended betrothed, the King  Henry of England

French Captives of the English

Charles, Duke of Orleans: only in his late teens, married to Isabela of Valois till her death from childbirth, they share a young daughter. Loyal to his wife and kind, though not a good military leader
Arthur, of Brittany: younger son of Joan of Navarre, Dowager Queen of England, and therefore stepbrother to King Henry, a few years younger than him.
Raoul de Gaoucourt: defender of Harfluer, he surrendered to the english after the siege and has been treated cruelly by specifically King Henry, engaged to Jeanne. A very loyal knight and chivalrous, in his mid forties.

English (Lancaster) Royal Family (and Friends)

King Henry the Fifth of England: has been king since his father's death in 1413, lustful for war, and prideful, though highly intelligent. Unmarried and unattached, seeks Catherine's hand for power, about thirty.
Thomas, Duke of Clarence: Henry's younger brother, not clever, but loyal, married with step children, and one illegitimate son.
John, Duke of Bedford: Henry's second youngest brother, loyal and good to his brothers, if tactful. Regent while Henry goes to war
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester: youngest of the Lancaster brothers, intelligent but hotheaded, injured severely on the last campaign
Joan of Navarre, Dowager Queen: stepmother to King Henry and his brothers, mother of Arthur. Quiet and patient, she maintains a good relationship with her stepsons.
Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester: uncle to King Henry and his brothers, despite being only about ten years older than them. Silver tongued he supports the crown and his family. Has an illegitimate daughter, Jane.
Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick: a knight of the crown, and personal friend of King Henry having campaigned with him for over a decade
John Cornwall: knight of the crown, married to King Henry's aunt and his personal friend, blood brother's with William Porter
John (Jack) Holland: cousin to the Lancaster brothers, later Duke of Exeter
William Porter: knight of the crown, and personal friend of King Henry, has received several favors from him
John Fastolff: knight of the crown, formerly of the Duke of Clarence, ambitious and money hungry
Owen Tudor: recently knighted at Agincourt, a Welsh boy, only about fifteen at the time of Agincourt
John Green: King Henry's manservant
William Balne: King Henry's personal cook

Other notable Players
Governor of Meaux: known as the Bastard of Varaus, name unknown, family unknown beyond a cousin, Denis de Varaus
Irish Warriors: Irish soldiers kidnapped from Ireland and turned lose in France during the second phase of the Lancasterian phase of the 100 years war

Important deceased people
Richard Courtenay, Bishop of Norwich: died of disease during the invasion of France, close personal 'friend' of King Henry, who does not feel responsible for his death though he probably should
Edward, Duke of York: dead during the invasion of France, cousin of King Henry, who does not feel responsible for his death though he probably should
Henry IV, King of England: father of the Lancaster brothers, a usurper who left the country in debt
Mary of Bohun: mother of the Lancaster brothers
Richard II, King of England: murdered at Henry IV's orders, though not overly skilled he was kind to his men and taught Henry V the beginnings of the  art of war, taking him on campaign
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster: patriarch of the Lancaster dynasty, father of Henry IV, grandfather of Henry V

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