13 - The Southhampton Plot 1415

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The Southampton Plot


This is a complicated historical novel, over half the characters have the same name as another character, mostly Henry, John, or Richard, but we're going to do our best here...

Henry the Fifth, King of England(called Hal in his youth): King of England since 1413, but an active crown prince who ruled in his father's stead as much as possible. Highly intelligent if meticulous, seeks war with France. About twenty eight years old.

Thomas, Duke of Clarence: Henry's younger brother, only about a year younger than him. Not clever or careful, but loyal to his brother

John, Duke of Bedford: Henry's next younger brother, known as the nicest of his brothers a distinction he only holds because the other three are fairly awful

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester: Henry's youngest brother, highly intelligent but very caustic and mean

Henry Scrope, 3rd Baron Scrope of Marsham (called Harry or Scrope): knight of the crown, has been since Henry was a prince. Known for being a 'close' companion of the king and a member of his privy council. About thirty eight years old.

Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester (called Beaufort or Bishop Beaufort): Henry's paternal uncle, and fiercely loyal to him and his brothers. About forty years old.

Richard Courtenay, Bishop of Norwich: member of Henry's Privy counsel, and personal 'friend'. He completes a wide variety of war mongering schemes for Henry, tirelessly supporting him. Of lower nobility, known as the 'Flower of Devon' for his personal beauty and intellect. Generally manipulative and untrustworthy, runs a spy network for Henry with Bishop Beaufort. About thirty years old.

Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick (called Warwick): member of Henry's Privy council, and close friend. Loyal knight of the crown, about thirty three.

John Holland, Duke of Exeter (called Jack): first cousin of Henry and his brothers and quite loyal to them, but about eight years younger, he's nineteen years old

Edward, 2nd Duke of York: quiet and unassuming, cousin to Henry and his brothers, but about ten years their senior. Keeper of the Hounds, and unmarried, he supports the crown and little else.

Richard of Consinburgh, Earl of Cambridge (Called Rich or Cambridge): younger brother of Edward Duke of York, known by both of them to be his half brother, the product of their mother's affair. Married with a young son and daughter from his first marriage, about thirty years old.

Sir Thomas Grey: minor noble, discontented

Edmund Mortimer, Earl of March: cousin to Henry and his brothers, but a senior cousin with a claim the crown which he does not want. Recently married and generally unambitious, enjoys gambling, drinking, and generally being alive

Henry IV of England (deceased): father of Henry V and his brothers, generally did not like them other than Thomas, not a good king nor a particularly good military commander or father, spent most of his life spending his inheritance and vying for power, spent most of his reign attempting to quell rebellions and needing his sons to do that for him. Has the four sons, and then two daughters, Blanche and Philippa who are married off, and then an illegitimate son Edmund who entered the church. Survived by his widow, Joan of Navarre and all but one of his children.

Joan of Navarre, Dowager Queen: step mother to the king and his brothers, likes and supports them in general despite their personalities.

John Oldcastle: a former knight of Henry's whom he trusted implicitly. Now a Lollard on the run from the crown, hiding in Wales

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