26 - Like Fire and Powder 1485-1486

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Like fire and powder

Character List
This isn't actually that complicated. Only one of the people named Henry are alive so that truly helps. Here's the characters

House Tudor

Henry Tudor, King of England: King of England after claiming the crown through combat, nephew to murder King Henry VI, winner of the war of the roses, raised throughout the war on the run with his uncle. Quiet and highly intelligent, though constantly sickly. Twenty nine years old.

Jasper Tudor, Prince of England, Duke of Bedford: uncle of Henry Tudor, half brother of the deposed King Henry VI. Cunning and ruthless, though unshakably loyal to his family. About fifty years old.

Margret Beaufort: Mother of Henry Tudor, a small and pious woman, and quite shrewd, on her fourth marriage but disinterested in her spouse. Henry is her only child, his father dying before he was born. Forty two years old.

Roland de Veleville Knight of the crown: a knight that joined Henry and Jasper in Burgendy. About twenty years old.

David Owen, Knight of the Crown: a knight that joined Henry and Jasper when they fled Wales. About thirty years old.

House York

Elizabeth York: eldest daughter of Edward IV, known for her beauty. Clever, and very pious. She has grown up through the war of the roses and has several siblings, from both parents. She is nineteen years old.

Cecily York: Elizabeth's younger sister by a couple of years.

Richard, King of England (decreased): King of England for only three years after taking the throne from his minor nephews, following Edward IV's death. A cunning and capable military leader but highly religious. Thirty three at the time of his death.

Anne, Queen of England (deceased): wife of Richard, a quiet, kind woman who enjoyed reading. Four years younger than her husband and child hood friends.

Edward, Prince of Wales (deceased): young son of Richard and Anne, an only child. Died while his father was on the throne, at age ten.

Edward, King of England (deceased): father of Elizabeth and Cecily, former king of england after usurping the throne from Henry VI. Known womanizer.

Elizabeth Woodville, Dowager Queen of England: mother of Elizabeth and Cecily, wife of Edward IV

Edward V of England, Richard of York (fate unknown): sons of Edward IV who disappeared, likely murdered, not long after their uncle Richard III took the throne

House Lancaster (all deceased)

Henry VI of England (deceased): King of England from nine months old to his deposition in his early forties. Murdered in his mid forties during the war of the roses. Extremely religious and kind to all those around him. Older half brother of Jasper, uncle of Henry VII.

Margret of Anjou, Queen of England (deceased): wife of Henry, brilliant military leader. Eventually dies in exile after her husband and son's death in the war of the roses.

Edward, Prince of Wales (deceased): son of Margret and Henry VI, killed during the war of the roses at seventeen years old. Nephew of Jasper, cousin of Henry VII.

Henry Holland, Duke of Exeter (Harry) (fate unknown): cruel constable of the Tower of London, fiercely loyal to the Lancasters. Disappeared at sea during the War of the Roses.

Edmund Tudor (deceased): father of Henry Tudor, brother of Jasper, half brother of Henry VI. Died in York captivity during the war of the roses. First husband of Margret Beaufort.

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