Chapter 2 (Friends?)

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Mallory's pov:

As I awake from my sleep, I let out a yawn. Stretching my arms and legs before waddling over to my bathroom. I switch on the light and brace myself for the blinding sensation. I squint for a few seconds before my eyes adjust, and I grab my toothbrush. I finish in the bathroom as I head to my closet and reach for my uniform.
After putting on my uniform, I smell pancakes coming from downstairs. My ears twitch upwards in exitment as I giddily walk down the stairs.

I enter the kitchen to see the most fluffiest pancakes of all time. Staring in amazement at the sight before me.
"Someone's exited. Look at that tail. It's going to fall off soon if you keep wagging it like that. " A deep masculine voice implies.
I turn my head to see my father standing behind me with a slight grin on his face.
"I mean, they look okay, I guess." I say, trying to hide the fact I'm about to cry out of happiness. And the fact that my stomach just let out the most loudest noise possible.
He chuckles.
"Go on." he says.

I waste no time into digging into the pancakes that are sitting in front of me. I look at my dad to see him doing the same thing. As werewolves, our hunger level is 5 times more intense than humans, which is why we eat so much.
"How's work doing? You look like you haven't groomed your tail for about a month. " I muffle while stuffing my face with more pancakes.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny. I'll have you know that it was combed this morning. Thank you." He said smugly.
I snickered.
"Maybe you should buy a better brush." I say sarcastically.
He huffs in return.

Once I'm done eating my pancakes, I pick up my bag off of the floor and head for the door.
"Ahem!" My father coughs.
I turn to face him and realise that he is pointing at my ears and tail.
I put them away, and he nods. Oops, close one.
"Goodbye Mally, have a good day!" He remarks.
I shoot him a smile and head out to my brothers car. Shortly, Johnny comes out of the house and opens the drivers door.
"Let's get you to school, missy." he sassily suggests.
After what felt like years, im finally at school. Walking through the gates and into the corridors to find my next class. English class. For once, I'm fine with that.

I've always loved writing, especially creative stories. I can write whatever I want without needing to stay within a barrier and can make anything happen. Perfection. Once again, I'm first in class, which I have no problem with at all. I make my way over to the back row and sit on the far right corner. Furthest away from the door and the other students. After remembering what happened yesterday, I can not afford for that to happen again. I hope she doesn't think we are friends. What if she tries to talk to me? What if she's in this class, too?

Before I even know, the bell rings, and students fill the class. Once again, I'm sitting alone, which is great for me. 10 minutes into the lesson, and I see no sign of Maeve. And im kind of relieved. I begin to take notes about English class and focus on the lesson.

A while after, the bell rings. I pack up my bag and wait for the rest of the class to leave before heading out to the field. I wander off to a tree that is somewhat secluded from the rest of the school and sit down on a beach that is placed beneath it. Quite a nice spot if you ask me. I put on my headphones and start scrolling on my phone.

"You are not aloud any social media. Do you understand me, Mallory? NONE AT ALL! If I catch you texting anyone other than our family, you will not have a phone at all. I am not letting you risk revealing our family secret because of silly social media."

My mother's words replay in my head as I am stuck scrolling on the app store. I mean, she said no social media. Didn't say anything about games. I guess this doesn't count. I searched for some games I could download until I stumbled across this one specific game that caught my attention. 'Free fantasy' sounds interesting.
I press the install button as I intriguingly wait for it to finish downloading.

"Create your own character!" The game beams at me.
How cool. I make my character a werewolf, of course. Since I can't even show myself as what I am in real life. My character is a female just like me with brunette hair like my own and green eyes.My outfit is a soldier with a dark green Cape and a bow n arrow around my back for a weapon.
"Create your username!"
I don't want something dazzling. What about TD? Short and doesn't reveal anything. Once I submit my username and character, I begin to play. I spend the entirety of my break playing and fighting against other components. Upgrading my levels and improving my skills.
I'm definitely downloading this on my laptop when I get home.

I hear the bell ring, and I log out the game. Making sure to save my progress for next time. I walk to my class, which happens to be werewolf class again, and I sit in the same seat as I did yesterday. I slump my head on my desk as I panic about seeing Maeve. After 15 minutes of the lesson, I came to the conclusion that she wasn't going to show up, feeling a sense of disappointment. Wait, why am I disappointed. I don't even know her. I dont even like her. I'm not aloud. I mentally shrug off the thoughts that are bombarding my head and focus on the lesson.

As time goes by, the last bell finally rings, and I make my way to the car park. I see Johnny's car, and I approach him immediately.
I slouch my way into the passenger side as I yawn loudly.
"Someone's had a big day." he states.
I scoff.
"I want my bed." I wine.
He laughs profusely.
I roll my eyes and put my headphones on. Blasting my music until my ears drums bleed. We finally get home, and I get into my pj's. I slump onto my gaming chair and power on my laptop. After a few minutes, I go onto the app store and download "Free fantasy" on there as well. I sign into my account from my phone and begin to play on my laptop.

I come across a battlefield as I find someone's character wounded on the ground. I notice I have a healing potion spare and decide to throw it on them. They regenerate most of their health, and we begin fighting others together. Hours go by, and I remember I have school again tomorrow, so I decided to log off. However, before pressing the log off button, I see a notification in the bottom of my screen saying, "nox has requested to be your friend."
Who's nox? Wait, that's the girl I healed earlier.

After moving my mouse around in cirles on my screen debating to accept the request, I decided to click it. What can go wrong? It's not like we are going to message anyway.
'Inbox 1"
Pops up on my screen. Huh? What's that? I click on it, and it shows a message.
"Thanks for healing me earlier. It was nice playing and fighting off other components with someone. I'd be dead by now if you hadn't saved me!"
The message says.
I have to reply, right? I can't just leave them on opened and it's not like I know them anyway.
"Anytime." I send back.
Instantly, another message is sent.
"I'd really like to play again with you sometime. You seem cool. Let me know!" She says.
For some reason, my heart is pounding. Why? Is it because I shouldn't be doing this?.
I quickly reply with a "sure" and switch my laptop off. Getting into bed and praying that tomorrow is going to be alright.

Maeves' pov:

I can't believe I'm sick on the second day of school. It had to have been that stupid rain storm. I wonder if Mallory is ill? She was in the rain much longer than I was. I hope she doesn't think I was trying to avoid her today. I know we had werewolf class today, so she might have felt like I was ignoring her.

As I have nothing else to do, I decide to play my favourite game. 'Free fantasy'. I was never good at the fighting parts, though. I always died, but I don't care. I just love playing.
I log into my account.

"Welcome back, nox!"

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