16 Why just why

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Izuku POV

I open my eyes; I am lying on a bed. Still alive. Come on, why? Can't I just be dead and done with it?

There's an IV in my arm and a breathing mask on my face. Who found me and saved me, I wonder.

I try to sit up, but I notice that my arm is bound to the bed. Why? I haven't done anything wrong. What I do isn't illegal, right?

At least only my left hand is tied, and I can easily free it.

I take off the breathing mask and remove the IV. I slowly get out of bed, determined to find a room that hasn't been childproofed.

I sneak slowly towards the door.

It's locked with an electronic lock. With a code. I look at the digits. In the light, you can easily see fingerprints. 3-6-2-0. I just need to arrange the numbers in the right order. I type for a short while and manage it. The door springs open, and there are Eraserhead, Nezu, and Recovery Girl. I smile at them.

Me: Hi.

Eraserhead: Sigh.

Before I can do anything else, I'm wrapped in a scarf and carried back to the bed.

Nezu: I'm curious, how did you manage to open the door?

Me: Stay curious.

Nezu: After your move with the plate shard in your chest and your three-day sleep, your mother was charged.

Me: What?!

Nezu: She didn't file a missing person report for you.

Me: She's just busy.

Recovery Girl: But she shouldn't be too busy to notice her child is missing.

Me: Correction. Quirkless child.

Eraserhead: Sigh

Nezu: What is the difference between having a quirk and not having a quirk.

Me: Useless or not useless.

Ereaserhead: Don't talk about quirkless people like that.

Nezu: Do you not realize he's quirkless?

Me: Yes, so I have every right to think about myself however I want.

Eraserhead: Sigh, no you don't.

The scarf around me tightened for a brief moment before Recovery Girl intervened.

Recovery Girl: You don't want to kill him. Loosen the scarf around him. I couldn't use my quirk on him properly, so I had to stitch up the wound.

Nezu: So after your mother was charged, she'll go to court.

Me: But my mother didn't do anything.

Nezu: That's the problem; your mother was negligent.

Me: No, she wasn't!

Nezu: Tell me the last time you remember doing something nice with her.

Shit, I have to think.

Me: ...I celebrated Christmas with her.

Nezu: How old were you then?

Me: 3.

Eraserhead: Sigh.

Nezu: While your mother deals with the court, you'll be with Aizawa and Mic. His quirk will be suitable to stop you from harming yourself.

Me: Sigh.

Recovery Girl: Until then, you'll have to stay in bed a bit longer. The cut on your chest can still open up, which would ensure that you die.

My eyes light up.

Eraserhead: Sigh.

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