34 Finally

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Izuku POV

I have a plan. I had to spend a whole week with the family to be able to collect enough knowledge. To carry it out. First of all, Ereaserhead takes care of me. Toshi and Eri are in their room. They are sleeping.

I have nothing to do with it. ... Ha Ha. I don't know why you would think that I helped a little. Ereaserhead thinks Eri is playing and Toshi is Toshi. Ereaserhead ... Aizawa has to go on patrol right away. He said not to name his hero's name in the house because it's just a random name that wasn't even chosen by him.

Aizawa is waiting for Mic so that he can go patrol Mic comes too late from his radio show. Because I gave him a few problems by hacking  myself in the radio show and postponed the show by 10 minutes. So he will come ten minutes later.

Aizawa absolutely has to patrol and can't wait much longer because he has a mission. Mic doesn't know anything. Aizawa is waiting and waiting in 4 minutes Mic will come . When I see that Aizawa is very impatient, I play the sound of a moving a key in a lock. Aizawa hears that and thinks Mic is just opening the door and is calling over.

Aizawa: The child is in your supervision now

Than he leaves the house through the window for his patrol like always. I have about the 2-3 minutes to be dead. Too little time. The house is completely baby safe this time and there are first aid boxes everywhere. If he finds me, my plan goes wrong.

I take Aizawa's sleeping bag and fill it with pillows. I'll take a black cat and put it in. The cat is one of Aizawa's favourite cats, he has 8 or was it 9. The cat is fat and sleeps all the time. I put her in gently and let her black tail out of the sleeping bag like black hair. Than I make a movie without volume and write a small piece of paper and put it on Aizawas sleeping bag.

Aizawa often does this when he is very tired. I write on it.

Don't care if family or friend wake me up you die.


When Present Mic comes he will think that I am watching movie and I am in Aizawas reach.

I watch the soundless movie until Mic comes when he wants to scream loudly. As always, I stop him because Aizawa is sleeping. Mic points to the kitchen, he probably wants to cook something. Aizawa has not been allowed in the kitchen since he forgot something in the oven. He goes to the kitchen. Now is my time to end. Power Loader has inserted a lock on the door to the roof that should be unbreakable. I get a hairpin and start to poke whole ten minutes in the lock until the door finally opens. I get up, open the door and close it behind me.

Finally my time has come, I made it. I run to the fence from the rooftop and hold on to the grid. I climb over the grid the only thing that keeps me from falling to my death are my hands that I still use to hold myself. I've always imagined it that way at this moment.

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