26 What happened

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Izuku POV

I wake up in Ereaserheads scarf. The whole room is trashed. It looks like a monstrous one had raged. The table from Recovery Girl's room was broken and so was the armchair. The cushion was torn. Feathers were scattered all over the room. The curtains were torn down and shredded. It is a complete mess. What had happened? Some pro heroes were lying back and forth on the ground.

Present Mic was lying next to the broken chair and had an injury to his head. Someone had thrown the chair at him? There were lamps hanging on the ceiling. One is on the floor and Midnight is lying under it. Is that Ectoplasm gagged and bound with the scraps of curtains?


Is the window that is bulletproof broken.


Should I be worried.

It looks like a bomb went off in here. Has the door been broken?

Is there Cementoss on the door. Did he run into the door like a ram and break it in?

Ereaserhead is lying next to me. I'm just wrapped up in a cocoon. Ereaserhead is holding me like I'm going to die at any moment. Not wrong though.

What happened, did I miss something important? I feel like I've had too much to drink got drunk and woke up without much memory. What happened? I tried to slit my throat with the blade from the sharpener. How did I survive? Or am I dead then that makes sense.

... Or not dead or not that doesn't make sense.

I'm probably alive.

Too bad I can't pinch myself, I'm still trapped.

After I tried to kill myself, what happened?

Was I on drugs.

Recovery Girl wouldn't do that. Would she?

What happened now I'm dying of curiosity


No, I'm still alive


I hear a few steps.

They're slow, that must be Recovery Girl

I try to move a little in the direction of the door. But Ereaserhead pulls me back while he sleeps.

Ereaserhead: Try not to kill yourself problem kitten.

Kitten? ... me?

I'm not a street cat he can just take home. Wake up and let me go Hobo.

Fortunately, Recovery Girl finally arrives. She looks at the room and blinks. She rubs her eyes. Blinks again.

Me: Can you help me instead of staring?

She keeps staring.

Me: Hey

Recovery Girl: Pshhhhhh. Aizawa hasn't gone to sleep in a long time.

Me: What about me how should I get out.

Recovery Girl: Not at all.

Me: Eh... I want to be free

Recovery Girl: To go kill yourself?

Me: Yes. You got the point

Recovery Girl: Good night you'll probably stay like this.

I start to move, but Ereaserhead starts to hold me firm. I can't move now. I couldn't before move much. But now I'm completely trapped.

Recovery Girl: Now you can't end it and Ereaserhead has his sleep.

Me: I hate you.

Recovery Girl: Your new username is butterfly. Not IHateEveryone

Me:... was I on drugs?

Recovery Girl: Pain medicine. How many times do I have to repeat that. I already regret it but it ended well. You are still alive and will be for the next few hours. 

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