The Barbie Lord

297 11 4

Dark: NO.
Green: why not??
Red: you picked dare so do the dare bruh
Dark: ughhh fine.
The Barbie Lord: like it?
The Barbie Lord: don't laugh.
Second: WTH LOL
The Barbie Lord: I will go into Alans PC and destroy you guys.
The Barbie Lord: Make me. 😏
Green: sure, *makes you*
The Barbie Lord: bru
Victim: WTH why am I here.
The Barbie Lord: I was gonna tell them that we were yk, roleplaying 😭😭
Victim: well now you've embarrassed yourself even more
The Barbie Lord: oops
Green: I-
Second: what about
Chosen: uhh The Barbie Lord explain yourself, also lol second when can I learn animation
Blue: LOL The Barbie Lord is a dumb name
Second: chosen maybe never. This gc is too funny for tutorials now.
Chosen: BRUUH
Yellow: hey, I'm back, whoa, too many notifications.
Green: how much.
Yellow: like, infinity ♾
The Barbie Lord: can I change my name now?
Second: nope, or this chapter won't match :D
Blue: HUH-
Green: what- 💀
Second: lol
The Barbie Lord: that's- 💀
Second: yep.
The Barbie Lord: this name is just so embarrassing. Plus it DOES NOT MATCH ME, IM BRINGING MY VIRA BLADE TO KILL YOU.
Second: aww The Barbie Lord is mad.
Chosen: oh fudge he is actually doing it guys.
Second: what.
Green: UH NO DARK-
The Barbie Lord: spell right
Yellow: *change, *name. Red, your so dumb.
Red: bruh
Green: uhm actually yellow🤓🤓☝️ it's *you're not your. 🤓🤓🤓☝️🗣✨⭐️‼️‼️📣📢
Yellow: 💀 but yes, thanks for correcting
Chosen: nahhh
Second: anyway, is The Barbie Lord coming?
The Barbie Lord: shut up, I'm flying into the portal rn
Second: fu-
Red: uhh, blue, green, uhh yellow, second, let's all stay together!
Second: The Barbie Lord, I know I beat you up, I saw Chosen's memory.
The Barbie Lord: uh... I won't kill you then, I'll let your friends suffer, and you suffer watching,
Green: okay dark, please no 🥺
Yellow: red... why you did t or d
Red: sorry... The Barbie Lord change your name back okay 🥺🥺
Chosen: don't worry I'll come protect you guys!
Victim: bruh your not going anywhere
Chosen: oop
Second: NO! I'll protect you, guys! Hop into the portal and we can kill dark
The Barbie Lord: GUYS IT WAS A PRANK
Chosen: FR 😭😭😭
Red: oh 💀
Blue: E
Victim: tomorrow, I'm going to do an art contest, who wanna join?
Second: ME
Green: I think we all should.
Yellow: I'll win ofc
Chosen: bruh second is gonna win but okie
Victim: everyone can join except ALAN.
Red: y
Chosen: he's joining or you're burning 🔥⚫️
Victim: the box is hungry. Anyway, cya guys tomorrow.

Oke that's it for now but I might make more later! :D

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