Opinion on Alan

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Second: hey @everyone!!!
Blue: yes second?
Victim: bro I was sleep
Red: hi
Purple: yo
Orange: what?
Green: yo yo yo
Yellow: hey sec
Alan: What is it?
Chosen: hi
Second: okay everyone is here. What is you guys' opinion on Alan?
Red: well he's awesome! I think he's a good animator too
Green: he's great. Except when he keeps making me get hurt. 😒
Second: lol
Yellow: He's cool. I wonder if he thinks I'm his favorite
Alan: oh you don't know my favorite?
Yellow: it's not me then I know.
Alan: Ye sorry-
Blue: he's great! He gave Minecraft for us to use all the time! It's my favorite thing, and netherwarts! 🥰😍😘
Alan: wait what-
Dark: WTH is nether warts
Green: they are drugs.
Dark: 💀💀💀💀💀💀
Purple: I think Alan is okay, I never really spend time with him, but I have played a game on it, it was fun!
Orange: wait... I've only met Alan on here, not in person! So I guess I can't say?
Alan: what do you think I am? Nice?
Orange: I guess, kinda cool too.
Alan: thx
Dark: Alan never hated me, but I hate him because Chosen said that he sucks when I was first made so-
Alan: bru-
Chosen: but you don't suck anymore Alan
Alan: ok..
Dark: but in my opinion, he sucks still 🙄
Alan: why bruh 💀
Victim: ohh why? Why?? I can tell you why.
Alan: oh-
Victim: even though dark didn't go through anything, he has a reason to HATE YOU ALAN 😡
Alan: JESUS-
Second: whoa calm down dude
Victim: first of all, I wouldn't be named VICTIM right now if it wasn't for ALAN. Alan didn't even APOLOGIZE TO ME. He deserves to die, and I will kill him, even if it's the LAST THING I DO!!! He literally ABUSED ME WHEN I WAS FIRST MADE.
Chosen: yeah...
Alan: I know victim, but I'm sorry, I didn't know you were alive and I was only 17! So why do you still hate me? I apologized see?
Victim: well now you do, but did you apologize to Chosen?
Alan: did you??
Victim: I'm asking YOU
Alan: well... not yet but... sorry Chosen.
Chosen: it's okay Alan, tell second sorry for almost abusing him to
Second: well, he didn't so he doesn't have to :)
Dark: dang this went far.
Alan: whatever, it's your opinion.
Blue: well Victim, once you get to know him, he's a good guy. And he's changed, you know that!
Victim: UGH.
. . .
Second: he went offline.
Green: good for him
Yellow: rip lol
Alan: I'm actually sorry for putting everyone in this situation:(
Dark: nah you don't deserve forgiveness.
Chosen: no, everyone deserves a second chance!
Second: yes! Alan is a good guy anyway!
Dark: ugh, I guess, being stupid like victim is boring anyway, besides, being friends with a powerful guy is better 🙄
Second: and who might that be :>
Dark: youuu... 😒
Second: yep. So never forget that :P
Dark: okayyy

Oke, hope whoever reading this enjoyed this! If someone out there has a suggestion, let me know, I'll be glad to make it! 😃✨

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