Who really wants revenge? (Part 2)

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Alan: Chosen, Dark. Can you guys please come with me while I check on Second? He seemed so upset earlier, and I'm worried, but he might use his powers so I need you guys to accompany me.

Dark: heck no. First of all, Second will literally kill me again, second of all, I hate you, third of all, Second sucks, he doesn't need our help!

Alan: but that's not the point.

Dark: then what is?

Alan: I just need you guys just in case Second uses his powers.

Dark: didn't you say you have every power you could choose when you go into VR and become a stick figure?

Alan: oh. Oh yeah!

Dark: 😑

Alan: but still can you guys please come?

Dark: nope. Take Chosen, but not me.

Alan: okay, Chosen?

Chosen: uh... fine.

Alan: that's my boy ☺️😊

Chosen: o-o

Dark: Erm

Alan: okay Chosen, meet me in your room.

Chosen: nope!

Alan: why?

Chosen: because Victim is literally in that room still.

Alan: huh?!

Chosen: yes, he's currently torturing Yellow and Green and he wants to hurt the other guys.

Alan: use your powers then stupid!

Chosen: I'm not stupid!!!!!!!!!!

Alan: oh? And explain why.

Chosen: because... he uhm... he is using his rope right now.

Alan: o_o

Dark: bru-

Alan: okaaaay so you guys are just gonna be stubborn huh?

Chosen: fine I'll go. 😭

Alan: good :)

Chosen: but seriously why my room, there is plenty more!

Alan: because that's what makes this chapter fun.

Chosen: o~o
Alans POV:
"Ugh, he must be taking his precious time at this rate!" Alan says aloud as he walked near Chosen's room.
Alan opened the door to the room. He sighed in annoyance as he saw blood on the floor. Well this is totally normal. Alan thought. Victim turned towards him. "Oh! Alan. Welcome." He says happily. Alan snorts. "Ignore me. I'm waiting for Chosen." He says. Victim goes over to Alan, dropping green aggressively on the floor. "Oh? Why?" He asks. "Second has been acting strange so I'm waiting for Chosen so he and I can go see how Second is doing."  Alan explains, he didn't know why he did, because literally Victim was planning revenge on him, but who cares, Alan had all the powers he wanted, including unpausing himself because why not :).

Victim rolled his eyes. "You know Second is actually helping me with my revenge right? Why else would Green and Yellow be here?" He asks Alan. Alan shook his head in disbelief. Should I believe this idiot? But then why IS Second acting so strange? He was looking at me quite angrily earlier... Alan thought.
Green lifted his head. "I... knew... it... you guys are all traitors... I don't think I want to trust any of you guys now..." He whispers, half to himself. Victim nods thoughtfully. "Hmm... that's your fault Green, for trusting Second, you know?" He asks. Green shook his head. "Why would I not trust Second? He was our friend for years.." Green replies. "You can trust Second!" Alan yells. "This must be a stupid trick of yours, or maybe you threatened Second! Just wait till Chosen comes! We'll find out!" No one says a word. But Victim tried to make a smirk to show that Second was on his side. (As a lie.)

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