Second is missing..?

114 7 14

Alan: hey everyone, I was wondering where Second is, he hasn't animated with me today.
Red: hm weird, I was looking for him earlier, but he wasn't in his Minecraft house.
Alan: ohh..
Green: we were playing noteblocks last night... at 3AM...
Alan: YOU WHAT?!
Green: I'm sorry..!
Blue: hey don't just blame Green it was all of us.
Yellow: yeah...
Red: mhm...
Alan: well, this might explain why Second is missing.
Green: But what if it isn't...?
Alan: I don't know.. but hopefully it is... to be honest..
Red: what if he ran away!
Green: don't blame us Alan please! It will just make things more difficult.
Yellow: I agree
Alan: okay... can you guys call Chosen to take you guys to the outernet and find Second?
Blue: I'll do it!
Red: I'll look inside
Green: I'll go with Blue
Yellow: I'll stay with Red then ig
Alan: alr
. . .
Blue DM Chosen:
Blue: hey Chosen? @TheChosenOne
Chosen: hi
Blue: we can't find Second, have you seen him? Is he with you?
Chosen: no, and no...
Blue: can you come pick me and Green up to the outernet and look for Sec?
Chosen: yeah of course.
Blue: thanks, meet me and Green by the internet!
Chosen: on it
. . .
Main GC:
Blue: Js told Chosen, he's coming
Green: ok
Yellow: me and Red are gonna explore Minecraft for Sec
Green: ok cool
Alan: good luck, I'm gonna become a stick figure and look for him around my files and stuff
Blue: sounds good!

. . .
Alan's PC:
The portal opens up and Chosen comes out. (Bro why is this all of a sudden making sense than the last chapters 'popping up' etc) Blue and Green sat by the internet, Chosen grabs Blues hand and green grabs Blues hand. "Let's go!" Green says. They go out and Chosen flies out into the outernet.
A few minutes later they were in a random stick figure city. "Okay, for some stupid reason, I feel like Second wouldn't be here!" Green said, rolling his eyes. Blue and Chosen look at each other then nod, they walk away, little did they know that Second... was here.. and he was captured... by someone else...
Red and Yellow look in Minecraft for Second. They look in a village, they ask some villagers. Then they went to Purples house and ask Purple, then they go underground. But no luck. They decided to text the others

Main GC:
Red: guys? Any luck?
Yellow: yes, we have had no luck! We've been looking practically everywhere!
Chosen: he's no where here either.
Yellow: have you checked Stick Figure City?
Green: no not really but why would he be there in the first place?
Red: there is no where else he is?
Blue: there is little chance he's there
Yellow: we should check, I mean, you guys did look everywhere right?
Chosen: pretty much everywhere I know I guess, except for the City of course
Red: let's look there then, if he's not there... let's try DM him
Green: I already tried, he won't respond
Yellow: same
Red: oh... then what should we do?!
Chosen: we will keep looking until we find him!
Blue: I'm sorry but... we should get to looking! Yellow, Red, wanna come?
Red: yes, let's invite Purple?
Yellow: yes!
Green: YESS
Blue: okay, Chosen?
Chosen: sure
Blue: meet us at Dark and Chosen's old shack or whatever
Red: ok
. . .
The Outernet:
Chosen and the others slowly walk in the City, Chosen was confused mostly. If Second lives in a computer... why would he be here? Chosen shook his head, he saw Yellow and Blue looking at Yellow's phone. "What are you two doing? You're supposed to be LOOKING?" He asks the two. Yellow and Blue look at him. "We're texting Dark, to see if he saw Sec, he didn't respond, we're gonna wait!" Yellow says. Chosen nods. "He responded!" Yellow says.

Yellow DM Dark:
Yellow: hey, Dark, have you seen Second, if you kidnapped him we, including Chosen is coming to beat the heck out of you if we find out
Dark: I swear to Alan that I haven't, I haven't seen him since yesterday!
Yellow: uh ok, are you sure? Any proof? Take a pic where you are, screenshot the date and show me.
Dark: ok
*Dark shows the picture of where he is, in a bed, in his room of the Hollow heads house.*
Yellow: uhh, is Sec in the house with you and Vic?
Dark: no,, and before you ask... Vic is sleeping.
Yellow: k, well thanks anyways, if you see him let us know!
Dark: ok whatever

The Outernet:
Yellow tells them what Dark said. Everyone sighs. "We should take a break." Purple suggested. "I don't wanna give up so easily!" Red said. Yellow shrugs. "We need the rest, maybe Sec might show up too." "Maybe." Chosen replies

After everyone had enough rest, Chosen gets up. "We should start looking again!" He yells. Everyone gets up and nods."yeah,, he could be far away now!" Red agrees. Green rolls his eyes. "Ooor he could be back IN THE PC ALREADY, WASTING OUR-" he says before getting cut off by a notification from Second. "Yo! He texted me back!" Green says, everyone goes up to Green and reads the message.

Green DM Second:
Green: hey dude, where are you? -2 hours ago-
Second: you guys won't believe it, I'm literally in a trap! Some random stick figure, it looked like Chosen... he caught he! And trapped me in a cage... idk why! I left Alans PC last night because... you guys were loud... the stick figure is very thin and he's scary tbh, I have a feeling he wants revenge on Alan too?
Green: whoa dude didn't think you would respond, can you tell us where you are, we're actually looking for you rn
Second: wow really? I don't know, but i was in a city eating icecream until he came and started strangling me!
Green: dang... can you tell us what the building looked and looks like?
Second: it's kinda small, it's like a miniature house, shack like thing, except it's an okay looking one
Green: hmm... well the whole gang, Chosen and Purple are reading this rn, so we'll rescue you soon! Please stay alive if you ca -Green, dude sorry about green he's rude bruh, I had to cut him off, please stay safe! -Purple

. . .

Who do you guys think the figure who captured Second is?
Anyways thanks for reading! I appreciate it a lot! And yes, sorry about not making a chapter today and yesterday, but here it is! 1106 words wow lol

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