Maybe a normal GC for once? (AI made)

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(JS wanted to make a chapter AI made, I will add PT. 2 of the last chapter I made next I believe :))

Second: Hey everyone

Red: Hi!

Blue: Hey

Yellow: What's up?

Green: Yo

Chosen: Hi please be no Victim

Victim: HI >:)

Dark: YoOOoOOO

Alan: Hi my beautiful stick figures. 

Red: Chosen, why so paranoid?

Chosen: It's just a precaution.

Blue: Yeah, like anyone here would actually hurt anyone.

Victim: I would! >:)

Red: Right, Victim. Just keep it chill, yeah?

Victim: Awww, fine. But you should always be on your guard! You never know who might snap!

Green: Please, like any of us would snap.

Alan: Unless someone brings pineapple on pizza. Then all bets are off.

Green: Oh, come on, Alan. Pineapple on pizza is not that bad.

Alan: Not that bad? It's a crime against humanity! A felony in the highest degree!

Blue: Okay, calm down. It's just pizza.

Yellow: I actually kinda like it.

Second: Alright everyone, let's keep the peace. Pineapple on pizza is a personal preference and we should respect each other's opinions.

Red: Finally, some sense.

Chosen: Yeah, let's not start a war over pizza toppings.

Blue: Agreed. We're all friends here, pizza toppings aren't worth fighting over.

Yellow: Unless it's anchovies. That's a different story.

Green: I'll take pineapple pizza over anchovies any day.

Alan: Yeah, anchovies are like little salty bombs of evil.

Dark: Hey Victim, watch this!

Victim: What are you up to, Dark?

Dark: You'll see. I'ma draw something in my notebook

Chosen: Oh great, what are you two up to now?

Dark: Just a little harmless prank.

Blue: Harmless? When it comes to you two, nothing is harmless.

Alan: Alright, break it up. We're friends here, remember? Let's keep it that way.

Red: He's right. We don't need to escalate this.

Dark: Aww, you're no fun.

Victim: Yeah, where's your sense of adventure, Alan?

Second: Alan brings up a good point. We shouldn't be fighting among ourselves. We're friends, and friends support each other.

Red: Yeah, let's try to keep the peace.

Chosen: Agreed. No more pranks, okay Dark and Victim?

Dark: *grumbles* Fine.

Victim: *sighs* Fine.

Alan: I'm so proud of you guys.

Red: Thanks, Alan.

Green: Yeah, it's good when we can all get along.

Yellow: Sometimes it's not easy with our different personalities.

Blue: But we make it work. That's what friendship is all about.

Dark: Seriously though, Chosen and Second, you guys need to loosen up.

Chosen: Excuse me?

Second: What's that supposed to mean?

Dark: You guys are always so serious and responsible. Relax a little, have some fun for once.

Second: I am fun! And Chosen isn't serious all the time.

Chosen: I'm relaxed, thank you very much.

Victim grins at Chosen.

Chosen: *groans* Don't encourage him, Victim.

Victim: *grins wider* Why not? It's hilarious watching you get all worked up!

Chosen: I'm not worked up. I'm as cool and collected as ever.

Dark: Sure, sure. That's why you're clenching your jaw so hard.

Second: Okay, enough. We're not going to argue about this.

Chosen: But Dark is being aggravating...

Second: I know, but letting it get to you won't solve anything.

Dark: Aww, what's wrong Second? Can't handle a little banter?

Blue: Alright, enough arguing. How about we lighten the mood with a joke?

Yellow: Sure, I know a good one!

Green: *chuckles* Oh boy, this should be good.

Red: Go ahead, Yellow. Let's hear it.

Yellow: Okay, here it goes. Why was the math book sad?

Green: Hmm, I don't know. Why?

Yellow: Because it had too many problems!

Red: *groans* That's terrible.

Blue: Yeah, that joke was so bad it should be a sin.

Dark: *cracks up laughing*

Chosen: Uh, Dark? Why are you laughing at that terrible joke?

Dark: What? I thought it was hilarious!

Blue: Really? You have a weird sense of humor.

Victim: Yeah, it was terrible. Even I wouldn't have laughed at that.

Dark: Hey, I have a great sense of humor! That joke was funny.

Chosen: Sure, if you have the sense of humor of a five year old.

Dark: I do not! I have a sophisticated sense of humor!

Second: *snorts* Yeah, right. That joke was terrible.

Yellow: Come on guys, it wasn't that bad...

Green: Yeah, lighten up. It was just a stupid joke.

Red: But it was a particularly bad one.

Blue: Aw, don't feel bad Yellow. Your jokes are usually funny.

Alan: Alright everyone, food's ready.

Dark: Finally, I'm starving.

Chosen: What are we having?

Alan: I cooked your favorite - pizza!

All sticks: *cheer*

Red: Woohoo! I love pizza!

Green: You always know how to make us happy, Alan.

Alan: I'm glad to see you all enjoying yourselves.

*The group gathers around the table, chatting and laughing as they eat pizza together.*

Alan (cont'd): Remember, friends, don't let bickering and squabbles get in the way of friendship. Stay strong, stay supportive, and stay close.

*The sticks nod, agreeing with Alan's words. They continue their meal, enjoying each other's company and feeling grateful for the bond they share.*








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