Sad or happy?

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Second: hey guys... I was thinking about how the dark lord killed you 4 it was so hard to watch... 😢
Red: for real, when dark had the vira blade, I was so shocked, he killed me before I could even think!
Green: yeah, screw dark...
Red: remember the time I was possessed by Herobrine? That was hard to watch myself being controlled and just watching you guys suffer because of me :(
Second: it's okay red, we know you couldn't do anything about it.
Blue: have I ever told you guys that I fell in lava and almost burned to death trying to get nether warts that I deserve?
Yellow: what?!
Green: nah bro you didn't???
Second: dang I'm surprised there isn't even a single scar on you
Blue: lol it hurt so bad
Red: I'm sorry to hear that :(
Dark: dude. Y'all talking about me?
Red: yes you evil stick 🙄👎
Yellow: he's a terrible stick
Second: okay dark calm down 🫤
Blue: bruh this is supposed to be a sad chapter, keep it that way.
Second: lol
Dark: alright I'll tell you sad, once upon a time, I was destroying stick page, and I came across some innocent stick figure family, there were 3 stick figures, one was Orange, the other was Gold, and the other was Tan. 😊 they seemed to be a happy family. But when I came, they screamed, so I decided to show them what to scream about, I blasted my fireball at the Tan stick figure and boom, it was dead! :D
Second: why does that family sound familiar.... 🤔
Red: dark, this isn't sad, this is evil! How dare you do such a thing to an innocent family!
Purple: oh jeez that sounds like your family @Orange
Orange: oh- it is 😨
Dark: oh- fu-
Yellow: well... the past is the past... let's forget about this and move on... 😕
Second: yes... yellow... remember the lucky block incident, that could've been bad.
Yellow: don't remind me 🫣
Green: and the fact lucky blocks are unlucky at times 💀
Red: you can say that again.
Dark: bruh I don't know half the stuff you guys are talking about rn
Green: bru-
Second: this isn't even a sad chapter bruhhh
Chosen: I'll make it sad... 😔😔🔥✨🦾🎭
Dark: how dude
Green: yeah 🤨
Chosen: you guys know how victim straight up abused me just for Alan, and just to end up being on okay terms with him, well guess what? Victim didn't even say SORRY to me 😠
Red: that's pretty sad tbh 🙁 I would definitely be sad
Victim: well guess what dumbass, you're not going to get a sorry, in fact, I'll abuse you again if I want, or maybe I'll abuse Second, since he's the FAVORITE.
Second: wh- don't do it okay...
. . .
Second: guys... Victim is in Alans PC!
Chosen: fu- okay, I'll attack him to his death

In Alan's PC:
"So all this GC stuff leads to this? How funny." Victim says.
Second laughs, then he uses his powers. "TAAAAKE THISSS!"
"OOOOWWW?!!" Victim says in a TERRRIBLY dramatic way!
Chosen pops up and, with HIS powers, he hits Victim with his absolutely, AMAZING whatever the heck that white power light stuff is!
Victim screams. "I DIDNT ASK FOR THIIIS!!" He runs to the portal and flys away, well, I guess he can fly in this story because, ✨Why not?
Everyone cheers and high fives :P

Back to GC:
Second: that. Was. Awesome ✨✨
Green: FR bro, didn't even take two hits!
Chosen: yeah man, I'm surprised "VICTIM" isn't even dead!
Dark: 💀
Blue: ikr, that power of you guys' are so awesome, the green electricity lighting powers, and that awesome looking white looking, uhh stuff! What could be better!
Chosen: LOLLL
Green: FRR HAA
Yellow: LOL TRU
Blue: you can say that again! 😤🙄‼️‼️😚🥰😘‼️✨

Thanks whoever's reading this! I hope you enjoyed! :D I'll make more tomorrow again! (Hopefully) XD
Again I appreciate any comments, and I would make any suggestions! Also this chapter ended up, NOT SAD LOL.

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