Alan becomes stick figure!

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(Jsyk chaos 2 will be continued on another chapter)
Alan: hey guys
Red: hiya
Blue: hey
Green: sup
Yellow: hi Alan
Purple: heyy Alan
Second: yo
Chosen: hi
Victim: nuh
Dark: hi :>
Orange: uh hi!
Alan: I have a terrific surprise
Second: what might that be
Alan: well you guys, can you all go to my PC and go to adobe animate?
Victim: no
Yellow: ofc
Green: k
Red: ok
Chosen: is it safe
Alan: yes ofc
Chosen: if you say so!
Dark: bruh, but ok
Second: I wonder what it could be!
Blue: hopefully it's about nether warts :p
Green: no blue, stop
Alan: hurry up!! I want to show you! Will you come please Vic?
Victim: fine
. . .

Alan's PC:
Alan laughs. This is gonna be so exciting! He grabs his VR goggles and headset and does whatever the heck you setup it, and sets up it, and he pops up on his own computer screen ✨‼️👌🔥
Everyone was in adobe animate, waiting for Alan's mouse, not looking out the screen at Alan. Alan sneaks up to adobe animate. Haha, who should I jump-scare... hmmm... Victim! Alan walks quietly as stick figure could... he tiptoes behind Victim, perfect, he was on the edge, standing annoyedly. Green and Yellow started to argue. Alan rolls his eyes. Alright... Alan gets ready to leap... then... he leaps onto Victim! Victim gasps. He moves and squirms. Everyone  stands still as a statue as they stare at Alan. Alan laughs so hard. "HAHAHAHA, I scared you guys didn't I?" He asked. Seconds eyes open wider. "ALAN?" He says. "Yep, it's me!" "ALAN!!!!" Second runs to Alan and hugs him 🥹. "Alan how did you do it!?" Second asks. "Oh, it's just VR, I can leave right now if I want." Alan says. "So... got any powers?" Dark asks. "Yep. I could choose my powers!" Alan answers. "LUCKY!" Green yells. Purple rolls his eyes. "Proof it Alan! Powers is impossible!" "You think so?" Dark says. "Yes?" Purple answers. "Idiot." Dark says, crossing his arms. Victim just stares at Alan flabbergasted. "Well... now that you've invited everyone we know... how are we supposed to scare everyone that you're a stick?" Blue says, eating a nether wart. "Oh, you guys should have more friends right? Besides, I've scared you all, or at least!" Alan says. "We don't have anymore friends I don't think?" Yellow says. Second shrugs. "Who cares, this. Is. The. Best. Day. Of. My. LIFE!!!" He says, running to Alan to hug him. Chosen hesitates then follows second to hug Alan too 🥺✨. Dark and Victim look at each other, and the fighting sticks plus purple and orange watch happily as Second and Chosen hug Alan.
. . .

The GC:
Purple: today was pretty unexpected.
Green: yes. Alan says he will come back soon!
Yellow: I can't wait, Alan is great at Minecraft!
Second: real, he's better than me-
Chosen: guys I don't even know how to play Minecraft!
Blue: that's okay, hey, maybe we can teach you! And Dark and Victim! We should also let you try nether wart! I gave some to the others but they keep declining!
Green: ofc, it's disgusting blue, guys don't you dare try it.
Chosen: but... if blue likes it, maybe I will? You never know if you don't try!
Second: dude! That nether wart is literally from the nether! Don't you dare!
Blue: so!!?!?
Green: it's drugs, who does drugs? You. And only you.
Blue: chosen, ignore them! Let's go meet each other later on and I'll let you try a nether wart.
Yellow: blue. He's offline. ,')
Blue: dang it
Red: can I try a nether wart blue?
Blue: YES YES!!!
Red: jk dude. I'd never do a drug in my fucking life.
Blue: o.o
Yellow: 💀👍
Green: bye, I'm off to bed. Second is already asleep.
Dark: yeah, get off before I rage at all these notifications.
Yellow: okay bye
Red: bye
Blue: bye :/ you guys will eat nether warts one day, just you wait

. . .

Ahh this took forever to make! Which part next... (if anyone answers-) chaos part 2 or Alan as a stick figure
Part two? :D thanks for wa- oh yes, I mean reading :D 💀✨‼️

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