CHAOS!! 🔥⚡️💥🌩🌪

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Second: hey GUYSSS, I just saw a picture on google shipping me with red! 💀💀💀
Red: HUH
Blue: ayoo what?
Green: nAHh 💀
Yellow: tf
Second: okaaaay 😒
Red: can I see it?
Second: noo cuz Victim will kill me.
Dark: hey red 😏
Red: huh-
Dark: wanna... come over to the outernet ?
Red: what???!! Noo I like Alan's PC
Dark: come or I'll come
Red: then you come
Dark: oke 😏😏😏
Yellow: what is this about Dark?
Green: probably no good
Blue: don't worry, we have Second.
Second: yep
. . .

Alans PC:
Dark walks into the PC, he has a box in his hand. Hehe, they will totally get fooled. Dark sees the color gang running to him. Immediately Dark runs past them and knocks red to the ground. He holds out the box. "GET READY TO DIEE!" He says, opening the box. Reds eyes widen. "Uhhh... Second..? Use your powers...?!" Second gasps. "Uhh... all this time... I forgot to tell you that... I don't know how to use my powers-" Darks eyes widen and he turns to Second. "CALL CHOSEN!!!" Green yells. Dark rolls his eyes. "Bruh, it was a prank, I brought cookies." He says opening the box. "Cookies? Then what does that have to do with me coming with you to the outernet-" Dark shrugs. "I knew you wouldn't wanna come, plus I didn't wanna sound awkward asking to come here, and I wanted to do a prank so ha." Green was texting Victim. "I'm telling Victim that you came here dark, he's gonna bring the lasso and beat you up!!!"

Greens DM to Victim:
Green: hey Vic
Victim: hi
Green: come over to Alans PC and bring the lasso!
Victim: why? Don't tell me you're against your friends?
Green: of course not! Can't you guess!? Dark literally came to Alan's PC and he deserves to get beaten up for almost KILLING red!
Victim: oh, okay. I'm on my way.
Green: thanks 😉
. . .

Alan's PC:
Victim teleports to Alan's PC. Because, welllll ✨why not?✨Victim runs up to Dark, waving his lasso around. "MWAHAHAHAHA." He says, ✨evilly ✨ and hits Dark with the lasso! Dark screams. "OWWWWW!!! WHAT DID I DO!!!" Green smiles. Victim blinks confusedly. "Well, you almost killed red?? As green said!" Half of that could've been true 🤷🏼! Dark was about to protest but before he could explain, Victim hits him with his lasso again!! Wow how dare he! Dark screams. "AAHUUGHAAAAAFGHH!" He flys away without using his firepower's for some stupid reason, and screams. "IM TELLING ALAN!! First of all I didn't kill red, it was just a prank anyway!" He says, trying not to ✨cry✨
Victim rolls his eyes. "Like I care!" He says then poofs away.

Dark DM's to Alan:
Alan: what?!
Dark: Victim beat me up and it hurt so bad, he did it just for entertainment and to see my face 🥺🥺🥺
Alan: what!!
Dark: yes! And he laughed so hard! He's being a bully to me!

Alan's PC:
Alan drags his mouse. [Where is Victim?] He asks in text. Dark pretends to cry. "H-He ran away cuz he knows he's bad!" he says with this face 🥺. Alan somehow teleports to Victim. He drags his mouse to Victim. "GO TO MY PC OR DIE??" He asks Victim. Victims eyes widen. "Huh?" "ANSWER ME." "Okay... I'll go." Victim says, poofing, Alan poofs too.
Alan grabs Victim with his mouse and shakes Victim aggressively. Victim screams. "AAaAAAAaAAaAaAAAAAaaaAAAaAAAaAA!" He screamed. Alan laughs. "Wow! This is fun! I wonder what will happen if I...." He says, yeeting Victim to the other side of the computer. He falls on top of Second. "OWWW!" Victim screams loud enough for Alan to hear. "ALAAAN!! SECOND STABBED MEEEE!!!" Victim yells. "Second!?!? How DARE YOU?!!?" He grabs Second with the mouse.  And swings Second about. Second screams. "NOOO!!! THAT WASNT MEEE!! THAT WAS GREEN!!!" He says crying. "OH-" Alan says, dropping Second to the floor aggressively. He grabs Green. "AAAAAA!!!" Green screams. Alan swings Green around over and over. Until Chosen pops up. His eyes wide in surprise. "IS ALAN TORTURING STICK FIGURES AGAINN???" He says, throwing fire balls at Alan's cursor. Alan dodges, and the fire hits red. "ALAAAAAN!!! CHOSEN BURNED ME ON FIREEE!!!" he screams. Alan drops Green tp the ground, and grabs Chosen. He swings Chosen around with the mouse. "AAAAAAAA-" Chosen screams. Chosen pretends to die. "GUYYYSSS!!! ALAN KILLED CHOSEN!!!" Yellow says. Everyone except Blue runs to Alan and uses their Minecraft, virablade, and lasso weapons. Alan's mouse disappears. Blue gasps. "YOU GUYSS!!! ALAN DIDNT  KILL CHOSEN!! HES ALIVE!!!" He screams, pointing to a dancing Chosen. Chosen turns on his phone and texts the group chat.

The group chat:
Purple: HUH??
Orange: 💀💀💀 IM COMING-
. . .

That's it for now- if someone answers, do you like the story, plus group chat transitions? Let me know please if it bothers you or if you like it! Also this chapter was so chaotic help-

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