Second is sick!

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Second: yo guys what's good?

Green: shh Second! I just got the loudest notification ever, and it's literally 2.AM—

Yellow: yes- he already woke me up unfortunately.

Second: what! I'm so sorry, I- I usually sleep all night but I'm feeling a bit weird right now.

Green: what's wrong?

Second: I feel.... I don't know...?

Yellow: hmm... do stick figures get sick?

Green: you know, I've never thought of that.

Second: well, I think I might be... sick?

Yellow: that's not good.

Green: yes, we should take you to the ambulance and give you surgery! You probably might have to get a robotic arm and legs! Oh Second, I'm so sorry for you.

Yellow: bruh green.

Second: it's okay Yellow, he's joking I'm sure of it—

Green: no seriously man, you might have.... Stick virus 1... a new virus like animators get... we should get going now Sec buddy!

Second: ummm...

Yellow:  Green, this could be serious and you're being the most stupidest stick figure I've ever witnessed so far, well except for Dark.

Green: excuse me?

Yellow: what?

Green: how am I stupid, when You didn't even think to bring Second to get better, I bet you would just ignore him.

Yellow: huh?

Second: it's really fine green... I—

Green: it's not fine. You must be in so much pain Second, hey, let me go to your room and check you out.

Second: but green I-

Second heard the door open in his room.

He turns his phone off.

He sees a green head peak in his room.

He looked awfully serious.

Second couldn't help but smile.

He smirked the biggest smirk you'd ever see.

And you're probably wondering why.

He was like, so amused, you wanna know why?

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He was like, so amused, you wanna know why?

Also yea, that's Second up there,

He looks awesome right?

Ahem, anyway. He was extremely amused, because Green, well, he was fooled, Second wasn't sick of course, you should know, and Green, he always thinks he's smart, so, Second decided to play along, it would be fun, not just fun, but funny, you see, Green isn't as smart as he seems. Second pretends to look super sick. "Yeah Green, you were right, I am sick, I might have to get a new arm and leg now... can you, possibly check my forehead for me?" Second asks eagerly.

Green nods in pride. "I knew I was right, heck, Yellow must have stones in his brain. And of course Sec." Green goes up to Second.
"If it's hot then I'm sick, if I'm not then, well Green, what would you have to say?"
"I doubt I'm wrong, after all, I'm magnificent Green, I'm strong, skillful, smart, athletic, and awesome, why wouldn't I be right?" Green says, looking so sure of himself, Second almost doubted himself for a moment. He shook that off.

And yes, you probably know what's going to happen next,

And if you don't, I'll tell you.

Green had touched Seconds forehead, "I am extremely excellent and strong, Purple admires—" he broke off as he felt Seconds warm forehead. Huh, maybe my hands are cold, and Second's head is hot; that's obvious, it's so hot, but my cold hands make it warm. Green thought. He looked so certain, it confused Second, he did feel weird earlier when Green and Yellow had texted him, but he already knew why. He had been on his computer all day yesterday making a video, he had gotten a weird feeling in his head, yes he's a stick figure, but he can feel things? Alright then.
Second got up, stared at Green with intense eyes. "I'm not hot on my forehead stupid stick! I'm not even sick! I just felt weird that's all! And no stick figures can't get sick," Second says, then suddenly coughing could be heard, it wasn't Second though, nor Green, it was coming from upstairs , it was Red! Second looks at Green with surprise. They decided to text him.

Second: Red?

Red: What

Second: were you coughing?

Red: ye?

Second: why?

Red: I went to the outernet last week, a stick figure coughed on me at a store, I thought Would be okay but—

Second: Soo sticks can get sick!

Red: I suppose so

Green: want a new leg and arm Red?

Second turns off his phone. He didn't want to know what would happen next, he rolled his eyes and fell asleep instantly.

Omg so sorry for being inactive, hopefully this doesn't flop or anything, anyway thanks to whoever reading this!

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