The clingy stick figure baby virus 💀

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Victim: I am hungry Alan gimme pancake:<
Alan: okay my baby little Victim
Dark: excuuuuse meeee? What's gotten into that brat
Chosen: I uh- I don't know, but he's still creepy like that.
Second: BUT AWEN, I DA YOUNGEST! BE WIT ME! (Translation: but Alan, I'm the youngest! Be with me!)
Dark: 👁👄👁
Chosen: Sec! Yeah you're the youngest but please. Don't make this awkward even more. 😭😭😭
Dark: drop it. Come on Cho, let's go text purple and scare the living hell out of her.
Chosen: nope.
Dark: whyyy?! pweaseee Chozsn? Pwetty pwease? 🥺 (translation: Why?! Please Chosen? Pretty please?)
Second: I asked Alan for a hug to see if he still thinks I'm his favorite... and... and... he doesn't liek meeee! He fed Victim wif a spoon! And not MEEEE (translation: I asked Alan for a hug to see if he still thinks I'm his favorite... and... and... he doesn't like me! He fed Victim with a spoon! And not ME!)
Chosen: is this a dream?
Dark: ChOOoOoOOzEN! PWeAsE!? (Translation: Chosen! Please!?
Second: HEWP ME CHOZEN! (Translation: HELP ME CHOSEN!)
Chosen: Erm.... What the sigma?

Chosen's POV:
Chosen turned off his phone and stared at you. "What?" He asked you. "Don't give me that deadpan look. That's my job." Chosen says to you. You still look at him with that deadpan look, but deep down you couldn't help but smirk.
Chosen sensed that, and slapped your screen. But he didn't slap you. "Dang it! Don't laugh! This is not normal!" He says to you. You said something but he didn't hear. Chosen frowned. "Well... my siblings got... the clingy stick figure baby virus last week. They had gotten rid of most of the germs, but still, it was an ass with Dark... he nearly fell asleep in Alan's lap after having a 'nightmare' about me eating his food at the table. Pathetic." Chosen says to you, but he doesn't have any emotion. "Anyway. Stop smiling at me. I don't like it." He says, glaring at you. Then he disappears because, why not.

(Okay that's it XD thanks for reading this, and I ended it short cuz I am lazy, and it hurts to type rn lol.)

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