An awesome friend pt 1

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White was in his bed texting to one of his favorite friends, Venus! Venus was very kind and funny, oh you want proof? Oke

White DM Venus/ Chinese_Challenge
White: AYOooOOo Venus
Venus: wsg
White: say a meme quote
Venus: okay:3 would be so awesome.... It would be so cool... 🥹
Venus: real
White: Ill bet you 30 dollars if you can make Victim cry
Venus: BET, add me to a GC with Vic and the others
White: oke

Main GC:
-White adds Venus to the group- 1 sec ago
Green: Venus? From solarballs? (Btw I'm in the solarballs community too and it's so chaotic and dramatic asf -XxTinterxX)
White: No silly 🙃
Green: o
White: @victimmm
Victim: what 😐
White: Venus wants to meet ya
Venus: hai
Victim: hi?
Venus: heyy asshead
Victim: eh?
Venus: yeah you suck ass ya know?
Victim: bruh
Venus: bruh my ass
Red: wha XD
Victim: who is this asshole White
Venus: shut up
White: shut up you heartless idiot victim
Victim: how dare you 🫥
Venus: victim guess what
Victim: what
Venus: I'm actually under your bed rn
Victim: Okk?
Venus: white do Victims room pov 🥱🥱
White: alr
. . .

Victims room POV:
Venus waits under the bed smiling menacingly. He hears Victim getting up out of his bed and onto the floor. Venus giggles excitedly as Victim slowly lifted the covers. Venus zooms out from underneath the bed on onto Victim. "AAAAA!!!" Victim says, not crying though sadly. Alan opens the door to the room. "What in the name of- uhh am I interrupting something?" He says with this face 😬 Victim screams in anger. "FUCK NO! THIS ASSHOLE LITERALLY LEAPED ONTO ME AND NOW YOU THINK IM GAY?!" Victim says kicking Venus off of him. Venus smirks. "Actually, he is gay Alan, he's in love with agent smith." Alan gasps. "NO?!" Victim gasps. "HUH?! Thats not true!!!" "Yeah." Venus says smirking. "ALAN!! WHY WOULD YOU BELIEVE A STRANGER WHO CAME FROM NO WHERE!" Victim says, almost tearing up but not quite. Alan shrugs. "I don't believe anyone yet." He says. "Omg let me jus get this over with." Venus says. He knocks Victim to the floor. Victim gasps. "I want $30 for adobe animates sake!" Venus says, ready to kick Victim. Victim watches as Venus gets ready to kick Victim in his stomach. Victim gasps. "NO NO!!" He begs. Venus ignores and kicks over and over epically. Victim screams, Alan just stands there, processing what the hell is going on, then he breaks it up. "HEYYY! STOP THAT NOW!" He says, kicking Venus. Venus glances over to Victim, Venus grabs his camera. Victim was crying! He made this face 🥺😢. Venus got a good few pictures. "COMPLETE!!!" He says dancing the default fortnight dance.

Venus DM White:
Venus: I got the picture!
White: oke show meh
Venus: Okay:3

Venus DM White:Venus: I got the picture!White: oke show meh Venus: Okay:3

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Venus: I'm LOLING rn
White: LOLLL!!
Venus: gimmeh $30
White: ohh about that...
Venus: what 😤
White: i ordered pizza wit it...
White: OK!

. . .

Yass! That was all for Chinese_Challenge
Omg fuck Wattpad won't let me see my words lol
The end ig more tomorrow ofc! Maybe XD thanks for reading

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