Backstories (Pt. 1)

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Janet POV
Apart from Leon, I only knew two other people who were neutral towards me—Jessie and Sandy. So that was who knocked on the door and whispered, "We're here."

I used a spy camera that Jessie had designed to look out around the hallway, making sure nobody else was in sight before I responded, "Come in!"

The soft creaking of the door was followed by two familiar figures stepping into our room; one redhead, one wearing a turban around his head.

"Hi," Jessie said as she sat down. "So, what's up?"

"Fang! It's always Fang!" Leon growled with a surge of anger. "He can't leave Janet alone for one freaking second. And he keeps on claiming Janet needs to 'apologise for what she did'. Janet hasn't done anything to him at all!"

My heart melted into mush as I watched him speak, full of care for me. He really was...someone special.

"So, Janet? What's this meeting supposed to be about?" Sandy asked curiously when Leon had finished his rant. I snapped myself out of my mental haze, explaining, "Guys, do you remember the time Fang first enrolled in our school?"

"Yeah," Jessie agreed. "He was the only student to suddenly come during June, because he had spent the first half of the year in Hawaii."

"Where he should have stayed," Leon muttered under his breath.

It took me a while to focus after hearing his voice ring, but I shook my head and paid attention as Jessie recounted what had happened that day.

Jessie POV, Past
"Hey, is that the new guy?" I pointed out as we stared at a striking stranger walk in through the doors of the cafeteria.

"It seems so..." Janet said thoughtfully. Leon told us, "Yeah, his name's Fang. His mother is super famous for her government work, and his father, well, he's the president of our city of Alta. They're insanely famous, and you'd think Fang would be spoiled and stuck-up, but everyone who met him said he was polite and kind."

Then, the mysterious boy walked off into the canteen, disappearing from view. We continued to chat about him and his stunning looks, but it wasn't until after school that we saw him again.

"Quick, guys! The bus is leaving soon, and the bus stop is still a five-minute walk away!" I called to Janet and Leon, who were trudging behind.

But Janet's attention was focused on something else. "Hey, isn't that Fang?" She pointed at a few figures in a dark alley. It was hard to make them out, but after a while I spotted Fang, surrounded by a number of D-Batch students. Fang looked distraught, his blue hair in a mess, his shirt torn up and his jeans missing.

One of the bullies was holding Fang's dark blue jeans in front of him and taunting him as the poor victim backed up against the wall, hitting his head quite painfully. Another one of the Ds had taken his wallet and was pulling out all the money from it. The last had grabbed his bag, hauled it over his shoulder and rummaged through it for valuable items. As the trio finally left, leaving Fang all alone and humiliated there, Janet couldn't help but let a chunk of bile slip, covering her mouth and making a few gurgling noises that later on, I teased her about for it sounded like laughter. Fang heard the noise and looked up, blushing when he saw her. He curled up in a ball as she suppressed yet another round of vomit. I wish I could help him, but there was nothing we could do.

Unfortunately, the bullies were still around, and us three little Gs couldn't fight the three, big Ds on our own. The Ds wear in their fourth year, and extraordinarily tall and buff, whereas we were puny and at least two heads shorter than even the shortest bully.

So we had to leave Fang there, hoping he would find his own way back.

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