Things Will Change

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"Well, looks like I'm officially on the other side now," I said, shaking a bit. I was afraid of what Fang was going to do.

Was the risk going to pay off? Or had I made a mistake by being too rushed and hasty?

But then I noticed everyone glaring at where Fang and his minions had disappeared. And with that, I gained a jolt of confidence and courage.

Maybe I had made the right choice.

Maybe things were going to change soon.

Janet POV
"Look, the plan is in motion," Leon tapped me on the shoulder, still sending sparks flying, and showed me his phone, where the blog video posted by EMZ had already gained a hundred over views. "Maybe things are going to change soon. Maybe Fang is going to fall."

Suddenly, another haze of scenes overwhelmed me, forcing me to fall onto the bed. The last I heard was Leon's scared voice, "Janet, what's happening?"

"The truth is, I really like you." He whispered, facing the bright sun that I was watching too. "But you don't, because of all those pasts that I caused, because of the pain, the hurt, the grief. Don't you? You'll never give me a second chance, and I understand that."

I lowered my head and stared at his back as I murmured, "Maybe...I've gotten over that. I know that you did do that, but I can've become different. And changed. I think...I'm ready to give it a shot. Because, I trust you now."

"You trust me?" He asked softly.

"I think...I do," was my only response.

And I could already feel the sparks flying, yet hear the alarm in my head going off.

But he turned around and stared at me with those piercing eyes, saying, "You're quick to forgive. I like that."

And the more I tried to focus on him, the more familiar he became, not just a blob that I couldn't recognise.

Until I asked, "Fang?"

"Whoa!" I shook my head. "What was that..."

"Janet! Are you okay?" A voice behind me called, placing its hands on my shoulder.

I jumped and screamed, until I realised it was Leon.

"Oh...yeah...just had some sort of weird hallucination again..."

"You sure everything's alright? That's the second time today..." Leon asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, Leon," I melted into his concerned gaze, before I realised that the exact thing happened in that weird dream.

Fang was such a jerk to me.

I couldn't have feelings for him.

Could I?

"EMZ!" Piper called Jessie, Sandy and I over to our usual table. I nervously set my tray down on the table, wondering what they would say.

"I saw the video you posted," Rico said as he showed me the post I had made on the blog.

But little did I expect everyone's next words to be, "Can I help with this?"

Trust Me | Fang x JanetWhere stories live. Discover now