Backstories (Pt. 4)

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Fang POV
"You know, I'm sorry for everything I did," I whispered, watching the battles from afar as I her behind me. "I made a mistake. A snap judgement. I'm sorry, and I know you may not be able to forgive me, much less trust me. But please, if you're going to trust me just once in your life, do it now. If not, we'll lose all hope for this world, and they'll win. Especially...her."

I moved away, adding a shield to my collection to defend myself.

The clanking of weapons followed my footsteps.

Followed by hers.

"I'm sorry about her," she whispered.

I stayed silent for a while before I murmured, "Don't be."

And I trudged away.

"Fang! Fang! Are you alright?" Bibi was shaking me, her face etched with concern. Only when I moved and sat up did the worry in her eyes flood away.

"What...what happened?" I rubbed my eyes, glancing around.

"We were talking, then suddenly you collapsed and started murmuring something." Bibi explained, passing me a cup of water.

As I sipped it, I questioned, "What did I say?"

Bibi didn't answer for a while until she finally recounted, "You said, 'I'm sorry', 'Trust Me' and 'Don't be'. That was all I could decipher. The rest was just gibberish."

"Oh." I couldn't think of anything else to say. So I gave her a kiss and tried to stand up. But blood rushed to my head, and I fell face flat onto the sofa.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay, Fang?" Bibi pulled me up again, looking even more anxious than she already was earlier, the cute crinkle between her brows forming.

I wanted to respond, but before I could say anything, I felt myself plunging into mental darkness. The best I could do was whisper, "Hallucinations," before I passed out again.

Janet POV
"So, how are we going to go about doing it, Jan?" Leon asked.

"Well..." I took a moment to think, hundreds of ideas racing through my mind. But I rejected them all for having too many complications, too many possibilities that everything could backfire, or not possible to carry out. My mind was drawing a blank until I finally thought about an idea.

"Hey, Jessie, you're friends with EMZ, right?" I said.

"Yep," Jessie confirmed. "And I think I know where you're going to go with this."

"Call her over," I told Jessie.

"Meet me at A901," I read out loud.

It was lunch, and I was sitting beside some friends of mine. What's so important that Jessie needs me to go to Janet and Leon's room? And why there? What is she doing there? I thought.

"A901? Isn't that Janet's room?" Rico realised. "What are you doing, talking to Fang's enemy?"

Shoot. Forgot about that.

"Oops, no, I read it wrong! It was A907!" I said nervously.

"Oh, Jessie's room!" Piper finished for me. "Say hi to her for me!"

"Me too!" Nani agreed. "And tell her thanks for fixing Peep!"

Good. They bought it. I thought, relieved. Now, what could Jessie and Janet possibly need me for? And why is Jessie helping Janet? She knows that Fang targets anyone who supports his enemy...

Finally, I reached the end of the hallway. It was dark and dim-lit, because Fang had convinced Mdm Rosa to give Janet to worst room in the school, as yet another form of torture.

Truthfully, I liked Fang, but I felt his behaviour was overly dramatic. He was reasonably nice to others, but targeted Janet for no reason at all. I couldn't understand why. And as much as my curiosity wanted to find out, I didn't want to fall to Fang's bad side. I had seen for myself how bad that was.

I had just reached out a fist to knock on the door when a scene flashed through my mind.

The blood was flowing from my arm speedily, and I was hacking out the red liquid as I wheezed for breath.

"I told you that you underestimated me," a figure looming over me snarled. "And I was right."

Her face was so unknown yet so familiar at the same time. Like, it was there but it wasn't. And as I tried to piece it together, all I found was darkness.

And the throbbing pain in my abdomen wasn't helping. The pain was killing me. And I knew these were my final breaths. The wound was too deep to recover from. I was beyond all help. But maybe I could do one last thing.

As I stared into the cowl of her face, my mind jolted with realisation. After so long, it was her. Her evil grin became more prominent even as she covered herself with her hood again, and that was something that shone in my mind like a thousand stars.

So, with all the energy I had left, I pulled out my phone, coughing out blood as a reward for my efforts. I silently took a shot of her, followed by my bleeding wound. Slowly, I typed out the truth behind her innocent mask. I had to let them know the reality. Warn them to stay away from this seemingly friendly face.

And just before my final breath, I managed to click the button and send out a prayer that he would read it, that he wouldn't fall to her tricks like I had. That he wouldn't have his final breath this early, just like me. That he wouldn't have to experience my pain.

I took one final, long, rattle breath before my chest fell still. And I hoped that the end that was coming would be the end we were all wishing for.

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