One Step Forward

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Leon POV
I came to with Janet watching me nervously, shaking me until I opened my eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" She rushed out. "You suddenly just collapsed and groaned out sounds about traitors and wars and some girl..."

She gasped. "Wait a second. Are you dreaming the same thing as me? About some sort of war, with this one person who betrayed us, and with Fang inside the dream?"

"That's about it!" I agreed. "Mine was something about how the battle was still raging, and so many people had died, but there were six of us facing the traitor. But I don't know who were the six people. And the dream ended when we began the ambush."

"Mine was about how this person betrayed someone, who kept on talking to me about being sorry for the pain he caused and that he should have seen her betrayal earlier. I think it was Fang, because in the next memory..."

"What happened?" Leon prompted curiously.

I blushed a fiery scarlet, thinking whether I should tell him about my odd feelings for Fang. But then I realised...

It was Leon.

The one who stood by my side all this time.

Always supporting me.

Always helping me.

Always trusting me.

Always protecting me.

So I told him every shocking detail, from Fang's confession of love to how I realised I may like him.

"What?" Leon was repeating by the end. "How-when-who-why-no, just HOW CAN YOU LIKE FANG?"

"I don't get it either," I confessed. "I thought I hated him. But the heart is a mystery, and it wants what it wants."

"Even though Fang hurt you? Attacked you? Bullied you? Made you cry, just for no reason at all? You can still forgive him for that? Can you look past that? Can you tell me your love is strong enough for you to forget everything?"

It took me a while to answer. But then my heart spoke for me instead, and I found myself saying, "Yes."

Leon looked shocked, confused, angry and a bit...heartbroken. But he still sighed, "I hope this isn't a mistake, Janet. I hope it won't be one."

"It won't be," I said confidently. But in my heart, I had another worry, another doubt.

Fang was one to hold grudges. Could Fang ever look past how I had dropped him from his high social ranking to just a hated nobody in the school?

I didn't think he could.

But then, some people change.

So I hoped for the best anyways.

Bibi POV
The dream ended as abruptly as it started, and I opened my eyes and stared into Fang's dark-blue ones.

"Bibi, are you okay? You suddenly just dropped the glass on the floor, started shaking, groaning, babbling and collapsed onto the floor, convulsing," Fang gushed worriedly, "Do you need to go to the medic? Or something?"

Well, that explained the headache and the pain from my skull. Though the mental disarray amid the tempest probably had nothing to do with the fall—and rather the dream itself, full of haunting truths, odd nightmares and confusions of a betrayal.

Who were they talking about?

Who had betrayed them?

Was it who I thought it was?

Or was it the much darker, much more scary, ugly truth that had been so carefully hidden?

One thing was sure, that had to be the Retropolis war that was coming up.

The haze in my mind dropped me to the ground again, my eyes fluttering closed. The last thing I saw was a vision in my mind.

"I know you betrayed me." That was the truth that would change everything.

Trust Me | Fang x JanetWhere stories live. Discover now