The Traitor (Pt. 2)

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Leon POV
"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Hiding, obviously!" Jessie answered. "I nearly got killed, but...Samantha sacrificed herself to save me."

"Samantha's dead?" I gasped in fury.

Jessie lowered her eyes and said, "Yeah, she wasn't able to escape from those Retropolian warriors."

I shook with grief, promising that whenever I found the responsible party I would end them. For now, I needed to focus on survival.

"Do you think we can leave this basement?" I asked. "Is there anyone out there?"

"I don't think so," Jessie murmured.

I turned invisible and went out as a scout. The battle had already shifted to the back of the school, and the only people in sight were either injured friends escaping the school or dead people.

I signalled to her to come out, and we both paced through the rubble.

"Let's head to the front-exit," Jessie suggested. "It's our best shot of survival."

And we did. But there was somebody waiting there already.

The blood was streaming from my wound speedily, and I was hacking out the red liquid as I wheezed for breath.

"I told you that you underestimated me," a figure looming over me snarled. "And I was right."

It was her. The traitor in my dreams. I only had one chance to figure her out, and help the others. It was too late for me anyways. These were my final breaths. The wound was way too serious for me to ever recover from.

I was beyond all help.

But maybe I could give others that help.

Luckily, I didn't need much energy. The traitor threw off her hood. And with that simple movement, everything I knew was a lie. The one girl who had betrayed us, set us up, was a familiar figure with black hair and an evil grin.


She stalked off in triumph, pulling her hood back on as she cackled, celebrating my defeat. She said one last time, "I'm sorry for you, EMZ. I would have spare you initially, but because you betrayed us, you set us up and worked with Janet, well..."

She left with one last chilling peal of laughter.

It was time to fulfil my purpose in this war, before I left the world. The second part of my vision. So, with the energy I had left, I yanked out my phone, coughing out blood as a reward for my efforts. I silently took a shot of her, followed by my bleeding wound. Slowly, I typed out the truth behind her innocent mask. I had to let them know the reality. Warn them to stay away from this seemingly friendly face.

And just before my final breath, I managed to click the button, posting it on the school blog and hoping that Janet would read it. Or Fang. Just anyone. So that they wouldn't fall to her tricks like I had. That they wouldn't have their final breath this early, just like me. That they wouldn't have to experience my pain. Not when they had so much more of their lives ahead of them, and I had very little time left.

I took one final, long, rattly breath before my chest fell still. And I hoped that the end that was coming would be the end we were all wishing for. That it was the one we all wanted.

And I prayed that somebody would unmask Bibi, and make her pay for her crimes.

Then, my eyes closed and my mind went dark as my soul dissolved into to nothingness. Hopefully I had fulfilled my purpose, my destiny.

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