Let's Battle

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Leon POV
Destruction was everywhere. The seven of us carefully watched the girl on top of the hill of rubble, the traitor.

She caused all this, caused us to lose so many friends, so many acquaintances, everyone we knew, hundreds we didn't. She caused us to lose the one who had turned the tides. EMZ.

Red-hot rage burned in my veins, threatening to burst out at any second. But I kept it together. Silenced it and waited for the opportune moment to let it burst out. When it could deal the most damage. Our city's soldiers may have fallen. But so had theirs. And now, while she thought she was the only one standing in this area, letting the other battles rage far behind her, far behind us, we would destroy her. We would make sure she regretted every decision she had ever made.

"Ready?" I whispered to the rest, pulling out the handcuffs Andrea had conjured. They each raised the blood-smeared weapons we had obtained and answered, "Ready."

I called on my power and disappeared from sight.

Time to trust each other.

Time to let go of pain.

Time to unleash our fury.

Time to destroy her.

Time to fight for our broken world and save it, once and for all.

Fang POV
"Bibi!" I shouted deafeningly. She instantly whipped around and raised her broadsword, narrowing her eyes at the six of us. We all pounced on her at the same time, but even with this many of us, we were evenly matched. She skilfully swung her sword back and forth, narrowly dodging the blows that we rained on her and keeping us all at a distance. Until Colette started unleashing a storm of arrows at her, and she was forced to back off as she defended herself with a shield.

Janet took her explosives and lobbed it towards Bibi, causing multiple booms to resound around us, starting fires everywhere. Her face was hard and angry, thin lines spread across her forehead as she battled furiously.

Finally, we were outnumbering her.

Outmatching her.

And as she stumbled backwards right into our trap, I snarled, "It's time for you to pay for what you've done."

From behind, Leon locked his handcuffs around her hands and legs swiftly, binding her with the gags that she had used to stifle Janet and I earlier.

She struggled angrily, glaring at us with eyes full of black hate. And all of a sudden, she wrenched her handcuffs off her wrists, letting them snap.

"No," I gasped. "How did she do that?"

"It's called training," Bibi growled. "And looks like you've picked your side. It's time for you to—"

Suddenly, Andrea interrupted, "I didn't want to do this, but..."

With a loud thud that echoed like a final blow in a battle, she slammed her sword against Bibi's skull, letting the blood flow out as she dropped unconscious.

"Well, now she's fit to take to the prison," she said.

Janet POV
The next day, Bibi had been locked up in the prison's most secure cell, along with another series of Retropolis warriors who were still alive. Apparently, additional help had been sent from nearby countries, and they shd successfully captured the enemies before more blood was shed.

Hundreds died during the single day Retropolis-Brawltopia war. And among the dead were so many friends...Crow, Piper, Sprout, EMZ, Eve...and Sandy was still in critical condition.

He had been attacked in the leg, which may need to be replaced with a prosthetic one because the injury was terrible. Luckily, he had still survived.

Bibi's sentence was yet to be confirmed, and I personally hoped it wasn't a death penalty, but a life sentence in prison.

With death, she had the sweet release. But instead, she should suffer for hundreds of years to come.

The Mayor of Retropolis was set to meet our mayor very soon about the war. And we were cordially invited too. But that was out of my mind the second I heard Fang ask, "Hey, Janet?"

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