A/N : What's Next?

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Woohoo! This book is officially finished, and I hope it went off with a bang for you guys! Thanks to all my behind-the-scenes assistants, this book has finally been completed, and it's time to see what's next for Fang and Janet's futures!

Please feel free to ask any questions you have below, about the future of this book or anything that has to do with this book!

Q : Will the victims of the war ever return?
A: Unfortunately, no. It's been mentioned already that brawlers can only respawn when they die in arenas, and therefore our friends like EMZ, Sprout and Piper can never come back!

Q: How will Fang and Janet's story continue?
A : No idea yet, maybe it's coming for you in the future!

Q : What will happen in the future meeting between the Retropolis and Brawltopia meetings?
A : I'm going to say more on this later...

Q : What will happen to the school, now that it has lost so many students?
A: Well,it will have to start anew and build itself back up from the ground after the war...

Q : What will happen to Bibi and Sandy?
A : Same response, I'll say more on this later...

Q : Will this book be continued?
A : Obviously, the answer will be yes! And luckily for you, it's premiering very soon! Introducing Secrets, the next book in the Retro War Series!

Q : Will this book be continued?A : Obviously, the answer will be yes! And luckily for you, it's premiering very soon! Introducing Secrets, the next book in the Retro War Series!

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The Brawltopia-Retropolis war has finished, and many repercussions are showing their face. Bibi, the villain behind all of this, has been arrested and permanently sedated. Brawltopia is rebuilding itself, and mourning the ones that have been lost. Retropolis' mayor claims innocence in the situation, and it surely is hard to believe. But they need to trust each other even more in this time.

Leon and Jessie have found each other amidst the world in chaos, but something  mysterious is interrupting their relationship. Secrets.

Black ninjas of secrets have begun to show their face everywhere around Brawltopia, and the odd memories are coming back. And when this situation ends, there will be a day of destruction, and new beginnings.

Time to destroy the cause of danger. Time to eliminate the secrets. Time to reveal the ugly truths.

Coming to you soon!

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