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Fang POV
Most of the Retropolis soldiers and Brawltopian warriors were fighting at the back of the school, and the entrance was full of carnage, debris and raging flames. As I carefully trod through the meds, hoping there was no enemies who would find me, I scoured the area for any traces of people I knew.

"Cassie?" I gapsed at a fallen body in the mess.

And each new step forward brought new realisations. Samantha. Omar. Terrie. Corine. They were all dead, killed by those evil enemies who had infiltrated our school.

As I continued to sneak through the destruction, dodging behind two warriors fighting angrily, I watched as the Brawltopian one struck his enemy down. The Retropolian fell to the ground, lying beside so many other dead people I couldn't recognise, to the point that it made me sick.

I watched as the Brawltopian escaped, heading towards the main scene of battle. I eyed the bodies I passed, some of whom I knew, some of whom I recognised, some of whom I had never seen before in my life.

It didn't matter now, apparently.

And then I found one person I knew all too well.

"Janet?" I gaped at the white-haired girl pinned under a giant piece of parapet.

Andrea POV
This isn't good. The battle and fire continued to blaze with the intensity of a thousand suns, and I can barely sneak past all the furious warriors fighting.

I need to get someone's help. And then, we will make that evil person who caused this pay.

I conjured a sword with my powers.

"Time to go hunting," I murmured to myself.

I was so close to the scene of battle, I watched as rubble fell, swords clashed, rifles fired, arrows flew...and I cringed at the numerous dead piled around me.

This was dangerous. But I was determined to uncover the secrets of Retropolis, and find the one who had betrayed us. Keeping the mysterious girl in my mind, I slowly filmed the scene of battle, making sure I wasn't caught.

A squeal behind me caused me to jump in fright, until I realised it was from Edgar and Colette.

"Quick!" I whispered, signalling them to come quickly.

They ran over, glares on their face as if they still held grudges for what had happened. But I told them, "If we want to survive, we need to trust each other. You need to trust me. And I'll place my trust on you guys."

They nodded reluctantly. Apparently, a war was what they needed to put the Cold War behind us.

I hoped I could trust them.

Then an arrow thwacked beside us. Somebody had spotted us.

"Run!" I yelled as a number of soldiers turned to us. Edgar nodded and grabbed Colette, pulling her away as he promised, "We'll see you soon."

I ran down a dark passage where hopefully nobody was.

Bibi POV
It's time. The moment I've worked so hard for is here. I've spent seven years in this unfamiliar land of Brawltopia, using everybody to get my way. Overtime, I started to like Fang. But I hated everyone else in this country. That's why I decided to destroy them.

Retropolis was going to come to power, and take what it should have had a long time ago. Freedom. And power. The war was raging around me, the fire burning furiously, the steel weapons ringing, rubble falling, people screaming, sobbing...everything that had to do with anything was all around, causing chaos. In the distance, I spotted a series of our archers, a number of their drones and a collective of missiles raining down on the school.

What were my assistants doing? I had arranged everything carefully, executed it perfectly down to this very moment, and them? They were screwing it up, losing our only chance at overtaking this country with much more power than us, one that could destroy us in an instant if they wanted to.

I raced through the chaos and rubble, growling whenever I saw an enemy warrior. My training, for so many years, finally came into play as I knocked all of them down swiftly and deftly, charging on towards the boy I needed to find. That familiar blue-haired boy I loved. My curse and saviour, my lock and key.

Then I spotted her. The one who had betrayed us. In fury, I struck her down and destroyed her, leaving her to die there as a punishment. For she was a traitor who didn't deserve my help. And she finally got what she deserved, to die in agony.

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