Mysterious Dreams

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Bibi POV
"Fang! Are you okay?" I shook him, gasping when I saw his chest slow. "No, no, you can't die like this, not here, not now! I need you! Please..."

"Bibi?" Edgar bolted into the room at the sound of my panicking. "What's wrong with Fang?"

"I've no idea," I rushed out. "He suddenly collapsed, and said something about hallucinations. I don't know what's happening. Quick, Edgar! We have to do something."

I couldn't lose him, not now. I needed him, desperately. He was my key, my most important star in the sky. And I couldn't lose that.

The next minutes were a blur as we rushed him down to the medic, Colette screamed at her for being too slow, and Fang got into the bed, looking a bit pale and sweaty. But otherwise, he was alright.

"Please, you have to stay for me," I begged. I needed him desperately, if not everything would fail. I lay my head on his bedside, hoping he would come to consciousness soon. If not, the whole plan would be ruined, totally screwed up. And I would never let that happen. For myself. For this city. For our world.

The world needed a change. And I knew, somehow, Fang would be the key. So I sent out one last final prayer to the heavens, the gods, for him not to leave me here in this hellhole, not to leave the world in this terrible state.

You need to come back, Fang. Please. If not our world will be nothing but chaos. Even if you can't trust your mind, yourself, you can always trust me.

And I hoped that would be enough.

"Woah..." I breathed, steadying myself against the door. What was that? I thought to myself. What was all that blood, the fire, the gore, the death, the war, the girl, the betrayal, the friendly faces, the warnings? What's that?

I tried to call the memory back, wasn't a memory. A bad dream. A...hallucination. That's what it was.

But what was it? What was that war? And was that my death? And who was the girl who had betrayed us and killed me?

Could there be something missing from my past? No, that couldn't be. Ain't no way I forgot dying. But then...if it wasn't...then was it a prophetic dream?

Would I die in the near future?

Would there be a giant betrayal in the near future?

And who was the one I had to warn before I died in the dream?

And who even was the girl who I couldn't place my finger on?

And what was that war about?

Was the dream even about me?

Could it have been someone else?

No, it was my phone that was pulled out.

Which means I did die in the dream, I realised with a chill. But how? Who killed me? Why? And was it an ally that was secretly an enemy? Did that mean somebody among us was a traitor? An enemy in the shadows?

Whatever it was, I told myself, I'm going to make sure it never happens.

But some things work out different from how we think they will.

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