Dual Wars (Pt. 2)

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Fang POV
My growl tore through the room, followed by a loud thud as I punched the wall. How dare Janet retaliate? How dare EMZ support her? How dare the rest of the school turn against me?

This was destined to be my final, perfect year here. The year where everything I wanted came true. The year where I found the piece missing in my life.

But no. She and her friend were there to screw it up. They had to screw it up. It was as if that was their sole life purpose. And with all of my energy, all of my hate, I vowed to make each and every one of them pay, one day.

"Fang, you alright? I heard some noises just now," Bibi came into the room, looking anxious as usual. She was always concerned for me, which I found very sweet.

"It's just...I'm so angry at the betrayal. Servants are suppose to obey, not strike back. And punching bags are supposed to be punched, and not punch back. I'm sick of this new attitude that Janet has gotten this year. Sick of her new supporters," I said in frustration.

Bibi was about to say something when a chime resounded from my phone, and I read the message as she brought us two glasses of water from the table.

"Hmm. That's interesting. Many sightings of drone testings, missile launchings and spy camera setups were observed near the border of Brawltopia City and its hostile neighbour, Retropolis. The city on Retropolis' border, Therone, was reported to have been carrying out the aforementioned procedures. It all seems as if Retropolis is preparing for war," I told Bibi, reading off a news article. "Seems like there's a dual war."

And suddenly, a shatter of glass rang out.

Bibi POV
"Retropolis is preparing for war," Fang finished.

Instantly, something unlocked inside me and I staggered back in a haze, dropping the glass cup I was holding. It shattered into smithereens, but I didn't care. The pounding in my head was intensifying, and suddenly a vision emerged from the shadows, from the deepest depths of my mental sea.

Finally. It was time for my country to come to power. The war was raging around me, the fire burning furiously, flashes of steel weapons ringing, rubble falling, people screaming, sobbing...everything that had to do with anything was all around, causing chaos. In the distance, I spotted a series of archers, a number of drones and a collective of missiles raining down on the school.

This wasn't good. What were my soldiers doing? I had planned everything carefully, executed it meticulously down to this very moment, and they were screwing it up, wasting our only chance and overtaking this country with much more poor than us, one that could destroy us in an instant if they wanted to.

I raced through the debris and destruction, snarling whenever I saw an enemy soldier. My training, for so many years, finally came into play as I knocked all of them down swiftly and deftly, charging on towards the boy I needed to find. That familiar blue-haired boy I loved. My curse and saviour, my lock and key.

Then I spotted her. The one who had betrayed us. In fury, I struck her down and destroyed her, leaving her to die there as a punishment. For she was a traitor who didn't deserve my help. And she finally got what she deserved, to die in agony.

I was so distracted by finding him that I didn't notice a flash from behind. I trudged through the remaining carnage and chaos, until I finally found him sitting beside that girl. His longtime enemy. What was he doing, talking to her?

"I'm sorry about her betrayal," the girl whispered.

"Don't be," he answered bitterly.

Betrayal? What was she talking about? Whose betrayal? It couldn't be that girl's one...

Maybe...she knew.

So I stepped out of the darkness and said sharply, "Fang?"

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