The Traitor (Pt. 3)

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Janet POV
Fang and I were slowly moving towards the front exit of the school, making sure nobody saw us as we snuck behind a mound of broken wall. A battle was going on right in front of our eyes, and we barely made it to the next courtyard.

This one was way emptier, only full of carnage. I carefully stepped through the mess, making sure that I didn't look at any of the broken bodies, or I would surely break out in grief, fury and full-on rage.

Just as we neared the middle of the school, a soft chime rang from my pocket. I jumped, but heaved a sigh of relief when nobody realised the sound. The clashes of metal were too loud, drowning out the soft ring.

I pulled my phone out and read the news that EMZ has posted on the blog. Then I gasped and pulled fang far away from the Retropolis and Brawltopia warriors.

"Janet? Is everything okay?" Fang asked worriedly as he checked the surroundings for any enemies. I couldn't say anything from shock and disbelief, instead showing him the article instead. As he read it, his jaw hung lower with each second, and his eyes began to spark with a furious expression.

Why? Because the post contained several images of EMZ's bloody wounds, followed by a long paragraph. And at the very end, it read, "Please, everybody, stay away from her. Don't fall to her tricks. Bibi is the traitor that has hidden in the shadows of Retropolis. Protect yourselves from her, and bring yourselves a better world. Make my sacrifice worth it."

"No. It can't be."

Leon POV
"It's time to get going," I whispered. Everyone who could escape had left the school, and Jessie and I seemed to be the only ones left in the division.

"Wait a second," Jessie grabbed my hand and pointed to something far on our right. "Look at the person standing there. Isn't that...Bibi?"

I followed her line of view, murmuring, "Oh...yeah! What's she doing on top of that hill?"

Bibi was watching the sunset, seemingly murmuring to herself as she cleaned her sword of blood.

"Guys!" Andrea said, giving us a scare. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Look." I pointed.

"Bibi?" She asked in confusion.

Jessie opened her mouth, about to say something when a soft chime came from our phones.

And then we learned the ugly truth from EMZ's newest post.

EMZ was dead.

And the traitor who had killed her, had betrayed us all...

It was her.


Fang POV
"Fang? Are you okay?" Janet asked nervously.

I was busy running through every memory i had of Bibi, with Bibi...

All of them—they were lies.



I felt fury rising up.

At Bibi, for brainwashing me.

At myself, for believing her.

At Retropolis, for starting this crap.

But when i looked into Janet's concerned stare, I still said, "Yeah, I'm fine." I pulled another weapon and muttered, "But she's not gonna be soon."

There was a stretch of silence before Janet finally whispered, "I'm sorry, Fang."

I said bitterly, "Don't be. It wasn't your fault at all."

I trudged away.

She followed listlessly.

Then a sharp voice, one that was all too familiar, hissed, "Who's betrayal are you talking about?"

We gasped and whirled around.

"Bibi," I snarled.

She narrowed her eyes and said, "Well, guess I've got my answer then."

And she brandished a long spear, charging towards us.

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