Taking Sides

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Janet POV
"So, I think this footage is enough for the plan," EMZ said. "I'm pretty sure these are the worst things Fang has ever done. Hopefully it'll make them see him in a new light."

"Hopefully," I mumbled, before I looked at the green button that read, "Send". Once I pressed it, there was no going back. EMZ would be in danger. Fang would be even more angry. I could just be bringing us into a bigger mess.

But if everything went right...I could be looking at a brighter future. One where Fang no longer had power over us. One where I was free of persecution, one where I wouldn't have to feel so alone all the time.

I pressed the button.

Bibi POV
"I'm okay, sweetie," Fang said. "Nothing serious. It was just a dream."

But he had told me all about it.

And it seemed too possibly true. The betrayal, the war, the girl...could that all be something he would realise soon? Would he finally see the truth?

No. He couldn't. I was going to make sure that day never came. No matter the cost.

Because I needed it. My city needed it. My country needed it. I couldn't let them down now.

No matter what happens, I will ensure we triumph. And we won't fail like we did those thousand years ago.

Time to move on to the next step.

Fang POV
"You're free to go now, Fang," the nurse told me, "But remember to take these headache medicines!"

"Sure, thanks!" I took the bag, leaving in a hurry with Bibi trailing behind. "Fang, where are we going?"

"Back to the room," I answered. "I need to think."

No matter what, I couldn't get that scene out of my head. Who was that mysterious girl? What was that war about? And who was the person who had betrayed us?

Just then, my phone chimed with an update from the blog. Curiously, I opened it. But the content was something I would never have imagined.

"WHAT'S THIS ABOUT?" I roared. "What are all these videos? How did EMZ even get them?"

"Fang, is everything okay?" Bibi asked worriedly.

But I had already stormed down the hall, ordering Edgar and Colette to find EMZ. And fast. I didn't know what she was planning, but she was so going to regret it.

The school was full of buzz about the new update I had posted, everyone looking at me in shock and disbelief. I wasn't sure that the plan was working, but at least things were different now.

I was talking to Jessie and Sandy about Janet's plan, when I eyed a familiar blue-haired boy storming towards me, with his gang trailing behind. Rage was etched across his face as he shoved his phone in front of my face and asked menacingly, "What is this?"

"It's time I exposed your persecution of Janet. It's unfair and a serious case of bullying. So there you go, I've chosen sides." I spat, undaunted by his angry expression and giant frame.

He glared at me and said, "Remember how Janet was at the top of my targets? Well, now you're up there with her too."

He stalked away with Bibi, Edgar and Colette.

But before they left, Colette and Bibi turned around. The white-haired girl warned, "You're underestimating the four of us."

Bibi merely nodded before they both disappeared.

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