Worse and Worse

192 4 1

Edgar POV
There was a loud, frantic knock on my door. Colette was busy watering our plants, so I opened the door and stared out into the hallway.

"Who's at the door?" Colette yelled.

"Nobody's here," I growled. "Must have been somebody pulling a prank and—AHH!!"

I shrieked as my boot kicked something limp on the floor, sending Colette rushing over in a frenzy, followed by a large spray of water.

"Sorry," she said. "What's—WOAH! WHAT HAPPENED TO THEM?"

Fang and Bibi were collapsed on the doormat, Bibi's chest heaving up and down speedily, Fang's arm bent in a way that couldn't be comfortable. And both of them had their eyes closed, their breaths rattly and their foreheads sweaty.

"It's that weird ailment that Fang was talking about!" I realised. "The one where he has random memories flashing through his kind that caused him painful headaches and made someone collapse unconscious!"

"Looks like it's getting worse..." Colette pointed out, showing me how Bibi was hyperventilating. "We need to get them to the medic's wing."

We rushed their limp bodies into the lift and down to the sick bay, shouting, "Nurse! Get here right now! If not I'll sue you!"

The nurse, frightened, quickly popped into the room and asked, "Hi Edgar, what's going on?"

She faltered and dropped the books she was carrying when she noticed the bodies in our arms.

"Quick!" She commanded. "Put them on the bed and I'll treat them. You two can stay here, but don't disrupt me."

The next hour was a blur as the nurse wiped the sweat off their brows, checked their pulse and gave them another series of treatments that I couldn't identify.

"What's going on?" Colette said in a hushed tone. "Why are all these dreams popping up randomly?"

"I've no idea," I admitted. "But—"

I was interrupted by the loud chime ringing from my phone, and I quickly flipped it over. "Retropolis is ready for war. Their troops are beginning to line the city!" I gasped nervously. "Oh no, the Retropolis war is going to start soon!"

And with those words, a new series of dreams broke loose and flooded my mind.

There were three, and each one was short and hazy.

I surveyed the disaster from afar, shouting, "Fang? Where are you? Colette? Anyone?"

The war had just begun, and chaos was already everywhere. I was desperately trying to find my best friend and my girlfriend in the midst of the destruction, slowly moving towards the exit of the school and making sure the Retropolis warriors hadn't seen me. And then I spotted a familiar face lying on the ground, dead.

"EMZ?" I gasped.


"She betrayed us," he said with a heartbroken voice. "She's the general of their division. And she organised the whole attack."

I wiped his tears away as Janet told him, "We're going to win them all, one by one. And we'll stop this crazy prime minister of their country. We'll make sure Brawltopia is safe. And we'll make sure that we'll honour everyone we've lost."

For once, I agreed with the enemy. She was right this time—and in this war, we only had each other to trust.

"Ok, I've got a plan," Colette piped up. "Trust me on this one."


The third was crackly and distorted, I could only make out three sentences.

"She's there."

"It's time."

"Time to go."

Trust Me | Fang x JanetWhere stories live. Discover now