The arguement(imagine) john b

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I quickly grab my hoodie and practically run out of the front door slamming it behind me, i look behind me to see john b coming after me. I turn around for him to then stop chasing after me.

I say "how could you do that when i told u not to get the gold tonight, i trusted you enough when you said you wouldnt..i feel like i cant trust you anymore" he looks at me with sad eyes and says "im sorry y/n....i truly am i just need to get that gold, my dad made me know that it is still out there so i need to get it back from ward"

I shake my head "i get that i really do but its not like i said you could never go over there i just said not tonight and the one night i say no to something you go automatically do it" he grabs for my arm but i pull away "if you want me to forgive you just give me time...i need my space for right now" i said cutting my last work short so he wouldn't hear the lump i had in my throat thats about to burst me into tears.

I love john b i really do but i need to be able to trust him or there is no relationship at all, i just wish he could understand where i am coming from with all this because he does mean alot to me but i cant have him turning his back on what i say and then trying to lie to me about it.

(Flash back)
I turn over to see john b isn't in bed, im currently at his house in his room with him no where to be seen. I call out for him to see maybe if he is just in the bathroom or kitchen or something but i get no response.

I walk around the entire house until i have checked everywhere twice and he isnt here, i peak outside to see maybe if he is out there smoking or maybe with JJ. I still dont see anything but i notice the boat is gone which makes me think that someone broke in and kidnapped him, i get my phone and dial john b for him too pick up with a "hey im on the way back see you soon" then hangs up.

I dont even get a moment to talk before he already hangs up on me, i wait for him to get home while i sit on the couch and play on my phone. Until i hear the boat getting close to the house, it is completely pitch black outside and he is taking his small little boat out to do god knows what but we will find out.

Once he stumbles in he comes to me and gives me a big kiss and blurts out "i know where ward put the gold" with a huge smile. My face drops because earlier today i told him that we are not going to investigate this for the rest of the day because it is all he talks about anymore and we barely even do anything together anymore unless it is about the gold.

I say "you did what?" He gulps and drops his smile slightly "look i know you said no going to see but i have to okay and you know that so please cut me a little slack" he says.

I get up off the couch and say "i have been trust me i have been and all i get ALL I GET is you talking about it more and more and you dont even focus on us i ask for one day that you drop it and its about us and then the moment you think i wont realize your gone you leave me alone at night in the bed we share"

I have cut him some slack for too many months now and i cannot do it anymore if this is going to be our whole relationship, ever since her started this gold chase this is the most we have argued and i cant do it anymore. I grab my coat and go out the front door.

(End of flashback)

"John b i love you but you need to stop and let me call the shots" i say with a tear rolling down my face. He nods and says "okay i promise i will and i will give you the space you need if you want it but dont go home just stay here ill sleep on the couch dont worry".

I nod and start to walk back inside, i put my coat down and head to his room. I grab a pillow and a blanket and put it on the vouch for him because i don't want him to be uncomfortable at all, i say "if you need anything just holler" he smiles and nods at me.

I go into his room and belly flop on to the bed, i hate arguments but especially ones with people that im so close with because then it can cause hurt to both sides of the people in the argument and that is always bad regardless on the situation. I just want him to know he cant do stuff behind my back thats what im really upset about but i just dont think he sees that.

I close my eyes too the drift alseep......i wake up to the sound of sizzling coming from the kitchen. I slowly rub my eyes too open them and then let in the bright light of the sun, i remove my cover and step out of the doorframe to go into the kitchen to see john b cooking bacon and eggs.

Im guessing its for me so i sit down in a chair and say "if this is your apology it is really good" with a smile.he smiles back.

Wasnt really sure what to do because i wanted to do smth easy to write before i do more request tonight

But please request more stuff i really appreciate it and love what you guess want to read!!!

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