Bonfire(imagine) JJ

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I sit on sarahs bee and giggle at seeing something on my phone, she says what are you laughing about. I show her and it is jj texting me and sending me a funny selfie, she says "looks like he might have a thing for you girl" i look at her weird "what no of course not" i say and go back to looking at my phone.

I get off my phone and say "okay so what are we wearing to this party tonight" while i get up and start looking in her closet.

After about ten minutes of searching for an outfit i find a cut light pink spaghetti strap above knee length dress. It really makes my body look nice...more so my boobs are looking big and the ass is looking fat.

Me and sarah are kooks but we still talk to the pouges mostly because her and john b have something going on. So she always think i want jj because she likes the idea of bestfriends dating bestfriends, i mean if we are being honest though i do like jj but no one can know that. No one.

Sarah is wearing a similar dress to me just in black. I have a great idea and say "hey we should pre game where is your dad's liquor at" with a grin, she shakes her head and says "follow me" i clap in excitement, we go down the steps and go into there wine cellar.

I thinking more hard liquor than wine but maybe she is thinking wine..whatever is fine as long as it is alcohol, she opens a drawer and i was wrong there is more than just wine. She pulls out a bottle of tequila and says "jackpot?" I look at her and say "yes big big jackpot...we should lowkey bring it to the party" she smiles and nods.

We each take three shots before we have the pouges pick us up..sarah sits next to john b and i sit next to jj. I say "hey jj" he looks me up and own before saying "you look really nicely i smile and say "awe your so sweet, so do you" i really love his compliments, they are really sweat.

I have the bottle of tequila on my lap so i offer some to jj "want some to pre game" he smiles "you know me so well" he says taking the bottle out of my lap and screwing off the lid, he takes a big gulp without making a face and i clap.

Honestly that is insanely impressive, well in my opinion and probably sarah too. We finally make it to the bonfire and i see some people i know so i quickly get out and run to see them.

After i have been talking to alot of people i try to find my way to sarah but i happen to run into rafe and I accidentally spell my drink on him. I will say that i am a bit drunk..well maybe not a little probably a decent amount.

He looks down at me and i think he is about to go crazy so i push away from him buy putting my hand on his torso touching his abs, he hold me by my arms and then out of nowhere goes into kiss me. I kiss back just because it was so in the moment, i think push away from the kiss and say "absolutely not" i look and see jj watching me.

He fastly walks away and i have to chase him until we are somewhere on the beach alone, i say "jj wait..let me talk" he turns around and says "what" i stop too and just look at him.

I say "he kissed me and yea i kissed back but I promise it didnt mean anything" he just stared at me "i thought you understood my feelings towards you..i mean I literally complimented you when i first saw you" he says.

I say "im so sorry jj i have never said it but i like you too and want to be with you and today i just made a stupid mistake because im drunk and just didnt even know what was going on" he looks down i touch his shoulder and say "jj please i do really like you and i didnt mean to make that mistake" when he looks back up he says "promise me it didnt mean anything to you at all".

I say very quickly "yes yes i promise that it didnt mean a single thing to me at all, your the only boy i like" he pulls me a little closer and my breath stops as he looks down into my eyes. I close my eyes and i feel her starts to get closer to my face eventuality touches his lips with mine. And we kiss for the first time ever, it feels like fireworks are going off in my body right now.

I wish it could feel like this everyday. When he pulls away he says "that better not happen ever again or i will beat the living shit out of that" i bit my lip and say "well yes sir". Him being bossy is hot, i can tell we are going to have a fun time together now.


2/3 stories posted for tn. Im making really good time but lmk if you guys like these.

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