God's Gonna Cut You Down

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Dean wasn't sure where he was. He could smell the harsh stench of iron, though he wasn't sure if it was from the walls around him or the blood that was soaking and drying against his body, but Dean was aware that he couldn't breathe very well. His body felt slightly motionless, and he glanced around the dark cell that he was in.

His green eyes widened when he peeked outside. All he saw were nebulas and galaxies and stars; some pieces of whatever planet he was on floating around. Everything seemed desolated and dead, like a barren wasteland, and he struggled again the restraints that held him against the wall.

"It's no use, squirrel. These creatures made sure that you were locked up tight."

Crowley's voice was surprising, and Dean glanced at the demon with a wide gaze.

"You're still here?"

"I'm in front of you, aren't I?"

His tone was annoyed, and Dean glared at him with a huff. Crowley shrugged, his hands also raised and in the strange metal cuffs.

"Crowley, where the hell are we?"

"Looks like we've gone universal."

Dean shook his head. He was having a hard time wrapping his mind around the last year, and Dean bit his lip before taking a deep breath. In front of the cell was a large circular door, and Dean looked extremely uncomfortable when the door began to shift. Immediately, the air became thinner and colder, his fingers becoming red from the temperature drop as Dean struggled to breathe. Crowley, though not needing the oxygen, looked a tad bit uncomfortable when the temperature changed.

Dean's green eyes widened when the metal...thing...floated in. There was a strange electrical barrier growing behind the creature, and Dean could feel the temperature and oxygen within the room increase once it was closed. When he took a deep breath, the female-looking mech chuckled.

"Humans are so fascinating to me."

"Who the fuck are you?"

Dean hissed out, and the femme tilted her head and smiled slightly.

"Who I am is of no importance to you. Your offspring, however...she is the one that I want. I've been spending a very long time cultivating her pathway that your feeble myths and legends can no longer touch the fate that I, and Unicron, have created for her. And now, you are going to help me."

Dean growled and hissed.

"Bite me."

The female chuckled, clasping her fingers around a strange staff and chuckling.

"Only if you ask nicely, little human."

Dean looked uncomfortable when the thing floated closer to him, whispering as she grabbed his chin harshly between her large fingers.

"We have so much work to do together. I truly hope you enjoy your time here on Cybertron."


I was lying in bed beside Sam, hands on my stomach and eyes closed as Sam went through some of the employee handbook he had been given. Every so often, I would hear him mutter to himself or sigh, and I had a feeling that he was rereading the page he was on as I hadn't heard the page turn in almost five minutes. Glancing over at him, I said to the man.

"You should probably just put that down and go to bed. You've been rereading the same page for the last five minutes."

Sam glanced down at me and he shook his head, stating.

"I gotta look this over to make sure I'm doing everything right. I really can't lose this job."

"Sam, it'll be fine. If there are any questions, just ask the employees. The attire is always formal, so make sure you wear nice clothes. Don't ask too many questions, make sure stuff gets delivered, and you should be fine."

Blood, Guts, and Transformers (Sam Witwicky X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now