Improvidus, Apto, quod Victum

18 1 0

Sam and I had retired to the cargo hold where Baby was resting at. At the sound of our footsteps, Baby's headlights blinked at us, an acknowledgment of our presence.

"G'Mornin'. How you two feeling?"

I shrugged, rubbing the back of my neck as I replied.

"As good as I can be. Anything interesting happen while we were gone?"

Baby scoffed, the radio crackling slightly with the sound of his distaste.

"Other than the Captain giving me an ear-full? Not much."

I snickered as Sam raised an eyebrow, leaning against a pole with his shoulder as he crossed his legs, asking as he crossed his arms.

"What'd you do to piss her off?"

Baby answered, his tone sarcastic and mocking.

"I'm scuffing up her deck, apparently."

He swiveled the tires, and I shrugged slightly.

"Guess you better knock it off, then."

"Hey, it ain't my fault that she's a clean freak."

Captain Endurance's voice came over the intercom, serious and threatening.

"A very serious clean-freak! You scuff up my floors one more time, and I'll throw you to the sea, stowaway!"

Baby began to grumble in Cybertronian, and I couldn't help but laugh, holding my stomach.

"She's just like an angry mom!"

Baby huffed as a snicker came from Endurance before he asked me.

"Anything new happen with you, kiddo?"

I knew he was referencing the dreams and visions, and I sighed before sitting down on the ground, leaning against the front tire. Deciding not to answer that particular question, I unloaded my concerns.

"Other than the weird dreams, not really. I haven't been able to do any more research, and I'm not about to call Uncle Sam and Cas. Our location will get tracked real quick, knowing Will. I'm pretty sure they're getting suspicious about Sam and I's absence."

The tire turned, nudging me slightly as Baby replied softly.

"Don't worry, bub. We're gonna find your dad, and we're gonna get to the bottom of this."

I laid my head back against the car, exclaiming.

"I'm just tired of the weird dreams! I want Primus to tell me what the hell he wants me to do directly. The Primes haven't tried talking to me since Egypt, and I'm getting worried. The dream I had last night...I'm pretty sure it wasn't from Primus."

Sam perked up, his brown eyes squinting slightly as I elaborated for the both of them.

"I dreamed of a nice home, and a family...I had a daughter and a husband, and it was scary."

Sam asked lightly, tilting his head.

"Why was it scary?"

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