05. It's always us

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The whole thing was bothering Nanami. It just didn't make sense. Why would the higher ups send you on a mission then delete all traces of it? Granted, it was becoming increasingly difficult to trust the higher ups in any way shape or form. But rarely did they make moves like this.

This had to be the third time that Nanami had sifted through the database to find an inkling of something or other. Searching had become his new obsession.

Ever since you were discharged in the morning.

The blonde male's stomach twisted into a knot for a moment. When he had first seen you a mere day ago, you looked as if you were on death's door.

However this morning, you looked better. So, so much better.

No doubt the doctors were confused as to your sudden recovery. Even Satoru and Suguru seemed utterly perplexed. Happy, but extremely perplexed. Hell, even you seemed confused.

But Nanami had an inkling as to your recovery.

Shoko had always taken an interest in reverse cursed technique. Not that she was great with using it. In fact, she was a bit of a trainwreck at the moment.

Regardless, she could heal a little bit.

And there was no doubt in Nanami's mind that she did just that. Not enough to get you back to a hundred percent. But just enough where you could go home.

The rest of the heavy lifting would be up to you. She just gave you a little boost.

Now, it was his turn to try and help you out. In any way shape or form that he could. You had always done so much for him. A little more searching wouldn't even begin to pay off what he owed you.

The keys underneath his fingers clicked loudly. He was pressing them with much more force than he normally would. Roughly twenty minutes ago, Yu (Nanami's roomate) had rolled over and told him to quiet down.

Nanami tried. He really did. Yu didn't deserve to be kept up all night. But quickly Nanami forgot about the tired boy and went back to typing like a mad man.

Loud and wild.

But he was desperate and clutching at straws. And anyone with two eyes could see that. So when Yu turned around (once again) to throw a pillow at his friend, he stopped.

Nanami needed this.

So quietly, Haibara rolled onto his side and shoved his head underneath the blankets. At some point or another, Nanami would have to stop. The brown haired boy could wait it out until then.


Nanami was exhausted. Searching seemed useless. Scouring the higher ups files was tedious. But tedious was better than nothing.


Nope. Certainly not what he needed. An interesting one. One about some dude who had to go to Malaysia to exorcize a curse. The details were a bit gross . . . but admittedly interesting. Maybe if Nanami had leisure time one day he would come back to it.

Then it caught his eye. A mission file. A number that he didn't recognize.


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