07. Broken Revelations

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Nanami managed to make the call to Gojo. Only at the peak of the hike with Shoko. He picked the spot for one reason and one reason only.

The cell service was shit at the top.

And he really didn't want to be the one to phone Satoru to break the news of his findings.

But alas, nothing ever seemed to go in Nanami's favour. For starters, the call actually rang. So the one day Nanami actually needed shit cell service, the line was top notch.

And to add salt in the wound, Gojo picked up on the third ring - something the white haired sorcerer never ever did. Satoru sounded oh so happy, picking up the call with a boyish laugh followed by a "Sup Nanami?"

Nanami clenched his jaw, trying to keep his composure despite the frustration bubbling within him. He glanced at Shoko, who gave him a sympathetic look.

"Gojo," Nanami began, his voice steady but tinged with an underlying terror, "I need to talk to you about something important."

There was a momentary pause on the other end of the line, during which Nanami could almost envision Gojo's characteristic grin fading into a more serious expression. "Sure thing, Nanami. What's up?"

Nanami took a deep breath. "I know what happened. I know why they tried to kill her."


Nanami felt wrong seated at the end of Suguru's dining table. Immediately after Nanami could get his first words out, Satoru had demanded that he come by the house - quickly followed by him stressing the need to bring Shoko.

The blond felt as if he was dying, watching the colour drain from Suguru's face as he recounted his findings. Your dark haired boyfriend sat next to you, his arm draped around your shoulder. Slowly but surely, he dragged you closer to him until you were all but cuddled under his arm.

From her spot beside you, Shoko clutched your hand in her own, softly tracing small patterns into your palm. Something that she had done for years as a coping method.

Satoru sat beside Nanami - notably without expression. It was eerie staring at the white haired boy's cold look - one without the normal glee. The normal emotion.

Nanami was tempted to reach out and grasp Gojo's shoulder. Anything to make sure he was still there with them. He opted against doing anything.

"That can't be right." Suguru brushed a stray hair out of your eyes. The black haired boy was staring into your face. "It's fine baby. You're fine. None of this is going to happen again."

He wasn't very reassuring. If anything, he sounded like a broken boy trying to convince himself that the world wasn't pitched against him.

"We can't guarantee that."

Suguru shot a hard glare at Nanami. "Fuck off blondie."

Nanami merely shook his head. "I really wish we could guarantee your safety (Y/n). Hell, I want that more than anything. But we can't. The higher ups don't just issue orders for assassination - much less let it go once the attempt fails."

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Suguru's voice was strained, his usual confidence faltering in the face of such uncertainty.

Satoru remained silent - although his gaze had now dropped to his hands. Something rested between his palms, however it was too difficult to see exactly what.

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