06. The death of me

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(A/n): Before we begin . . . I'm sorry about the last special. It was cruel of me. I will be doing that again, cause apparently angst is my forte. (Jokes . . . at least you should hope)!

But real talk, that was the 1000 heart special for Quotev and was NOT supposed to be what was published. It was actually a brand new Yandere!JJK x Reader book. But I realized I wasn't going to get the first chapter done quick enough so you got that instead.

Well, I finally managed to get it published! The book is called Flirtatious and can be found on my profile! Hope you enjoy ❤️

And yes. This chapter absolutely came out two days after the last update. I just got really excited about the new book and wanted to tell you all 🥰


Shoko was the first person that Nanami called. For starters, he wasn't sure how Suguru and Satoru would take the news. Assassination seemed like the least plausible thing to Nanami.

So he couldn't imagine the two boys taking any of it well.

Especially the reasoning behind it.

And Shoko was always the most level headed out of the group. She could see the forest AND the trees. Something that clearly everyone was struggling with at the moment.

Initially, Nanami figured Shoko wouldn't answer - especially after three or four rings. Just as the blond was about to hang up, the sound of a voice came through the speaker.

"Sup Nanami? You never call me? World ending or something?"

Nanami couldn't help but chuckle at Shoko's casual greeting amidst the chaos that was unfolding. "Hey, Shoko," he mumbled, trying to keep his tone steady despite the weight of the situation. "Actually, yeah, it kinda feels like the world is ending."

There was a brief pause on the other end of the line before Shoko responded, her voice softening with concern. "What's going on? You sound serious."

"Yeah, it's . . . it's a lot," Nanami sighed, struggling. "Listen, can you meet me at the usual spot? I need to talk to you in person. Call me suspicious but I don't trust these lines."

"Of course! I'll be there in fifteen."

Nanami hung up the phone. His gut was churning and he swore he was ten seconds away from hurling. Shoko was always reliable, but even she couldn't fix what was happening.

None of them could - and that thought alone was terrifying.

But waiting in his room would do him no good. The faster he got to Shoko, the faster the possibility of answers approached. Answers that would hopefully prevent anything from happening to you.


Nanami was scared.


Shoko always managed to be quicker than Nanami. Even though the blond male rushed quickly to make it to his favourite hiking trail (and usual meeting spot) the brown haired girl was there quicker - with two coffees in her hand.

Shoko, a good good woman.

Without any words, she delivered the coffee into Nanami's hand and began to walk up the hill. For now, the trail would be flat. In a mere fifteen minutes, it would be a proper inclined trail.

But exercise helped Nanami think. And while Shoko normally complained about the heat and the work, he was positive she enjoyed it too.

A lush greenery surrounded them - a nice contrast to the dirt floor. If Nanami could, he would pretend it was all okay. Like this was just a normal walk with Shoko and he didn't have any gut-retching news to deliver.

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