08. Bad decisions

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Hey sweetheart,

I just hopped out to get some groceries. See you soon and love you lots.

- Satoru

Geto plucked the note from your fingers and scanned it again. Then again. And again. "Okay, what the actual fuck. There's no way getting groceries takes four and a half hours."

You chewed on your thumb nail. "Please tell me he hasn't gone and done something stupid."

Nanami attempted to ring Gojo's cell for what felt like the millionth time. Yet again he was sent straight to voicemail. And deep down, that confirmed something in the blond's head. Something that was making him feel sick.

"He has." Nanami chewed on the inside of his cheek - a nervous habit he had long since stopped trying to halt. "Gojo doesn't let phone calls ring out."

Your stomach was turning into knots. There was no way. Satoru wouldn't do something stupid. He was typically calculating. He didn't rush into things without a proper game plan and . . .

Oh my god. Satoru would totally do something ridiculous and without a game plan . . .

You were only broken away from your spiraling thoughts as Shoko bounded down the stairs, something clutched in her left hand. It didn't take a genius to figure out what she was holding.

Satoru's phone.

Immediately you reached for the device and Shoko allowed you to pry it from her grasp.

A wheeze escaped your lips. "Oh my god. He doesn't go anywhere without this. Something's seriously wrong."

Suguru rubbed your back softly, coaching you to calm your breathing down. But it was becoming increasingly difficult. Each breath brought a stab of pain down on you. Your previous injuries were throbbing. It felt as if at any moment they would burst open and you would bleed out.

You felt as if you were dying.

Because there was absolutely no way in hell Satoru wasn't doing something stupid. Something that was putting him at risk. Satoru always took stupid risks. Especially for you.

No more. You weren't going to let them do this for you anymore.

You were strong enough. You were capable of handling yourself. And most importantly, no one needed to get hurt for you.

"We'll give him a couple more hours." Suguru groaned, "He might just be running late or something. Don't worry until we have to."

You rubbed your eyes and it became apparent that everyone was still tired.

Everyone settled on the couch and were quickly fast asleep. You waited a few moments, guaranteeing that everyone was well lost in their land of dreams.

Then, as Satoru had done hours earlier, you slipped out the door.


The early morning air was cool on your face. You could smell flowers on the breeze. With every step forward you took, your mind raced with ideas as to your Satoru's location.

Only one came to mind.

The school.

Weeks ago, it had been mentioned that the higher ups would be meeting there. And there was no doubt in your mind that Satoru would be heading there.

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