It was dark. Some people were walking home from having a meal with each other. One was slightly drunk. Something rather loud goes flying in the night sky. It was Tony Stark in his classic red and yellow suit. "Alright, landing now." He says into his earpiece. Tony lands on top of an old factory. Steve and Natasha enter from the ground. It was slightly seeable in the building. Only because of the moonlight that came in through the broken windows. "It's empty." Steve says. "I'm kind of saddened. I was hoping for an exciting entrance." The red-haired assassin tells Captain America. "Yeah, well, you'll get your fight, Miss Romanoff." Tony says. Steve sees bullet shells on the floor. Natasha bends down to inspect it. "Looks like we're late to the party." She looks to Steve. "Keep your guard up. You go left." He instructs. She obeyed. He walked up some stairs. When he made it to the next floor, a door that was slightly opened caught his eye. "I found a room. I'm going in." Steve reports. "Just be careful, Rogers. These shitheads may be dumb by pissing me off, but they have skilled men." Tony warns. Steve quietly enters the room. It was still; he couldn't find a light switch. It was pitch black. "I can't see anything in here." As soon as he finishes, gunshots started to be fired at him. He held his shield up for protection. Steve found something large to hide behind. "Talk to me, Rogers." Tony says. "I can't see anything, Tony. I'm taking cover; they have the upper hand." He says. He hears the door bust open. Some of the men yelled and groaned in pain. The gunshots didn't stop, though. He sees a purple light glowing in the distance. It moved swiftly in the air. All of a sudden, it went quiet again. Steve waited to hear anything. "What's going on?" Natasha asks through the earpiece. "I'm not sure." He started to walk away from his shelter. He felt his shoes land in a liquid. "They're all dead. Did anybody come in and kill them?" He asks. No one answered. "Keep your eyes peeled for a purple glow." Captain America walks out of the room. He was headed for the stairs, but someone ran into him. He stumbled for balance. Out of nowhere, a purple wave struck him. He hit the floor, and he was dying. He started to cough up blood. Someone came running up to him. A woman knelt down at his side. She hovered her hand over his chest. "Sorry, sir. I was aiming for the other guy." The woman says in a panic. "So much for low-profile." She says under her breath. She stands back up after healing him. He does the same. He coughed up the remaining blood in his mouth. "You'll be fine, sir. Just maybe a little dizzy." She says in a more relaxed tone. She turns to leave, but he throws his shield in her direction. She doesn't move in time, but it hits the wall and ricochets back to him. He placed it back on his arm. "Who the hell are you, and what did you do to me?" He says and wipes the blood from his face. "Easy, Cap. Language." Tony mocks in the earpiece. She turns back towards him. She stuttered for words. "She doesn't have to answer shit." A guy from behind her walks towards Steve. He was pointing a gun at him and stood beside the girl. "Alex, don't do this." She wispers under her breath. "Don't distract me." He warns. He doesn't take his eyes off of Captain America. "You wanna play with guns?" A voice from behind Steve says. Natasha walks from behind him, and she points a gun at the guy. "This doesn't have to get any uglier. Drop your weapon." Steve commands. The guy doesn't budge. The girl placed her hand gently on the hand that held the gun. "C'mon, Alex." She says softly. He lowered his gun. "Did they hurt you?" He asks her and turns to her. She shakes her head. Natasha still had her gun pointed at them. "I believe he asked you a question?" She says to the other two. "It's none of your damn business who we are." Alex mutters with his back turned. She cocks the gun. "Ok, fine. Just give us back the stuff that you stole from us, and we will leave you alone." Steve yells. His patience weakening. Alex laughs. "What interest do we have in Stark equipment? You have the wrong people." Alex turns around. "Then why are you here?" Alex scoffs a laugh. "Let's just say Stark's toys aren't the only thing that they took."
"Oh, yeah?" Tony Stark lands from behind them. "Then what's so important then?" Alex turns to him. "Like I said. None of your damn business." He repeats. Tony raises his hand, and it charges up. "Ok, I've had enough with little French fry over here." The girl raises her hand. "Wait! My brother and I have no harmful intentions towards any of you. He just has a hard time making a good first impression." She reasoned. He dropped his hand. "Fine." Another person ran down the stairs. "I checked the rest of the building. Your stuff isn't here, Tony." Clint says with his bow out. "Who are they?" He asks. "No one important." Tony says and walks past the two. He stands in front of Steve. "This must have been an ambush." Tony stated. "How do you know these men?" Steve asks the two. The girl steps in front of Alex. "They were our partners. We thought we could become Allys, but instead, they betrayed us and kidnapped our brother. They are probably one of the strongest gangs of theives that have stayed under the radar. They pretty much take whatever they desire." Tony turns to the girl. "Why did you try to partner with them?" He asks. "Don't answer that." The guy said to her. She went silent. "Would you shut up for a second? We have no interest in her or her powers, got it?" Tony raises his voice. Alex steps up. "They always do. The more people that know, the more targeted she becomes." He says cold. "So, was that the partnership for? Her protection?" Natasha asks. Before anything else was said, a bunch of men were opened fire at them. As a reflex, the girl placed a foresfeild around them. However, before she could save everyone, Clint was shot in the chest twice. "Clint!" Natasha yelled. He was on the ground gasping for air. Steve turned to the girl. "You can save him, yeah?" She looked at Captain America. She nodded. She walked over to Natasha and Clint. She pulls out a gun. "Stay back!" Natasha warns. "No, Nat, she can help him." Natasha slowly lowered her gun. Tears were running down her face. The girl knelt down to Clint. She hovered her hand over his bullet wounds. Her eyes turned purple. Alex started to shoot through the forcefield. Tony and Natasha looked at him, confused. "It's a one-sided forcefield, dumbasses." He says. They started to help him take out the mob. "How long will this take?" Steve asks. "He was seconds from death. It might take a second." She says. "Thank you." Steve says. "Steve." He placed his hand on his chest. "Y/n." She says. "Thank you for your help in the other room." He says. She lightly chuckles. "Sorry for almost killing you later on." Steve gives her a smile. "Less talkie more saving." Tony yells. He was shooting the guys on the inside. Tony and Alex finish the mob off. Alex relaxes himself. Then, more people started to shoot. "Oh, I'm done with this shit." Alex says annoyed. He takes a grenade from his pocket. He detonated it and threw it. All the men were blown up. Tony looked at him. "Tell me, do you always carry stuff like that in your pocket."
"Only when I want to make things interesting." Alex replied. Tony pointed a finger at him. "You're starting to grow on me, kiddo." Alex just stares at him. His gaze dark. Tony turned around to Clint. "How we doing glowstick?" Y/n looked at him. "Almost finished." The girl replied. Tony glides his hand down her forcefield. "This is pretty smart. One-sided forcefield. How did you get your powers again?" Tony walks out of his suit. There was no need for extra protection. "Don't answer that." Alex say while putting his gun in his holster. "What are you, her lawyer?" Tony jokes. Alex didn't laugh. "Long story... " Y/n says under her breath. Steve heard. "Is there any more information you can give us on these guys?" Steve asks her. She was finishing up healing Clint. "There are multiple buildings that they own in the area. We have been to all of them to find our brother. All except one. We're going there next." She says. Y/n stands back up and helps Clint to his feet. He sighs. "Thank you." Y/n holds up the two bullets that hurt him. "Now I will have scares."
"There aren't any scares. It's like you never got shot to begin with." Clint looks at her confused. "Then why do I feel the pain still?"
"It's going to be sore for a while. I recommend resting." Y/n stated. She dropped the bullets on the ground. She turns to Steve. "The building we haven't been to yet is a storage containment. We wouldn't think that's where our brother would be, but here we are." She stated. "Can you give us an address?" Steve asks. Y/n holds out her hand. A piece of paper forms, and it had an address on it. "Here." He took it. "Thank you." She gives him a smile. Alex comes up from behind her. "Y/n, we gotta go." She looks at him. "Why so sudden?" She asks, curious. It looked like Alex was holding something back. "You know why." Alex grabbed her arm, and he turned around to walk down the stairs. "Hold on." Steve gets in the way. "How do we know you're not using her?" Steve asks. "Why would you care?" Alex spits out. Y/n leaves Alex's grip. "He isn't using me." Y/n defends her brother. "Then why is he such in a hurry to get you out of here?" Steve asks. "Hiding something?" Tony asks. Alex turns around to Tony. Before he could speak, Y/n stopped him. "No, we aren't hiding anything." She turns to Alex. "Fine. Just hurry up, Y/n." He says in a dark tone. He walks down the stairs and exits the building. "He's just careful." Y/n answers. "What's he so afraid of?" Tony asks. "It's hard to explain, but I promise he isn't a bad person." She says. Tony gets back into his suit. "Whatever. I've had enough of this." He started to fly out of the building. "I can't believe I almost died for nothing." Clint says, looking at Natasha. "Oh, quit your whining." Natasha says, and they both walked down the stairs. It was just Steve and Y/n now. "I hope we get to meet again." Steve says and puts out a hand. Y/n smiled and shook it. "Me too." He gives her a nod and walks down the stairs. "Oh, Steve." She calls and walks down the stairs. He stops. She hands him a piece of paper. "This is my number. Call me if you need me." Steve looks at her confused. "What about your brother?" He questions. "My brothers want my safety. Not to rule my life." She walks down the rest of the stairs. "Alex?" She calls when she gets outside. "What did you tell them?" He questions. "Anything they would buy." She answers. "C'mon, let's get back. Our brothers are in a panic."

The Newest Avenger (Marvel × Reader) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now