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When the rest of my brothers came home, everything seemed to go awkwardly quiet. At least, that's how it felt to me. Login and I shared glances from time to time. I didn't need to telepathically speak to him to know what he was thinking.

My anxiety started to grow larger and larger the more I waited. I was quietly washing the dishes after dinner. Login crepe up behind me. "Y/n?" His voice was low. I looked at him. "You should tell them tonight."
"I know, I know."

"You've kept it long enough." I quietly nod my head in agreement. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'm on your side." I look at him, surprised. "The more I thought about it, I think being an Avenger would suit you."

He nods. "Maybe you will no longer beat yourself up for your 'curse'." He winks and walks away. I finished washing the dishes. I gathered my brothers around the table. I took a deep breath before speaking. My eyes go to Login's. He had a confident smile.

"I need to get something off my chest." My brothers nod as they listen. "I have been working with the Avengers." Silence. "For seven months." Silence. "And SHIELD ...Fury has accepted my employment to become an Avenger ...officially."

My brothers were the quietest I've ever seen him. Login looked around to read their expressions. Nolan stuttered for words. Brandon clears his throat. "What
...so are you going to be an Avenger?"
I glance at Login, then back to Brandon. "... Yes..."

Brandon went silent again. "No." Nolan stated. I looked at him with surprise and confusion. "No?"
"No." He restated. "No, what?" 
"You're not going to be an Avenger."
"Excuse me?" I cross my arms. "I'm not going to let you get yourself kidnapped or ...worse."

"Nolan, I don't need your protection anymore. I can literally protect myself."
"Why? Because you managed to save some people or whatever you did with the Avengers." He spits back. He was upset. "Nolan, I -"
"If you could protect yourself so well, why couldn't you save yourself all those years ago?" I thought for a moment.

I knew exactly what he was talking about. Those memories still feel like an open wound when I think of them. I come back to the moment. "You know exactly why I couldn't." I say through gritted teeth. I held my tears from running down my face.

Login didn't say anything. I'm glad he didn't. It was time to stand my ground. "And what if that happens again? Do you think the Avengers will save you?"
"Yes. Because that's what the Avengers do, and I'm not the same little girl, Nolan. I can save myself if needed."

Nolan scoffs a laugh. "I still said, 'no'."
"Last time I checked, you didn't rule my life. -" I stopped myself from saying something I shouldn't. Ryan suddenly looked at me. "Wait seven months ago? Didn't we bring Ryan back seven months ago?" The room looked to Ryan before suspicious looks went back to me.

"In my defense -"
"Om my god!" Nolan raised his voice. I was starting to lose my patience. "You turned to them because we wouldn't let you help with Login?"
"No, I turned to them because I wanted to see what it felt like to be in the light."
"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nolan, I want to use my powers for good. I've never known my purpose until now." I was hoping he would understand. "And what if the worse happens?"
"I'm not going to waste my time worrying about the negative possibilities in the world." Nolan was silent for a moment. "She got you there." Alex spoke under his breath.

Everyone heard him; he was well aware. "And I'm not going to decline their offer. I'm going to be an Avenger." I stated and stared right at Nolan. I blinked and opened my eyes at the same elevator. It opened, and I went up. The doors open, and the Avengers meet my gaze. "I'm in."

"What about your brothers?" Steve asked. "I told them. They know." I dropped to the couch. Clint was sitting there. "Welcome, Avenger." He holds out his hand. I smile and shake it. "Thank you."
"Welcome to the team."

The Newest Avenger (Marvel × Reader) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now