22. (3/3)

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The shocking stopped after he ran out. My breathing only got heavier. "I'm gonna kill -" I didn't finish that sentence. I made a promise whether I like it or not. I stumbled on my feet and dizzily exited the room.

It felt cooler in the hall than inside the other room. I caught my breath a lot easier now. I wasn't completely sure what my next move should be. I need that briefcase, and I needed to keep him alive. Easy easy, right?

I took the stairs this time and went to the next floor down. I ran a few halls. It felt hopeless doing this. I take a moment to catch my breath. I hear some ruckus from the other hall. I slowly creep over the corner. There were some men that were talking.

I did not have the energy to fight them. I slowly walked backward away from them. I feel a presence behind me. I groan in agony as I turn around. I was face to face with a mob of people. I pressed my lips together.

"Ok, let's be honest, guys. I can be well taken care of by just a few of you. There is no need for all of you to be here. I'll happily and willingly do as instructed." For now. I hear a few snickers. I roll my eyes. "Sorry, sweetheart, but," He pulls out a gun.

"We were instructed to do a little more damage this time." Well, shit. "Can't we at least make this interesting? Help me out. You guys look pathetic all fighting a helpless girl."
"Helpless isn't exactly a word I'd use for you." He points the gun down.

I slightly felt the compliment. "But fine." A knife was pushed towards me from the floor. I glance down at it and back at them. "You got to be joking?"
"Take it or leave it." I stand frozen for a second. I know as soon as I make my move to grab it, the fighting begins.

I drop to the floor to grab it. A few shots were fired towards me. I somehow dodge all but one. It grazed my arm. I hissed with pain. I was able to stab a few. I got hit plenty of times. This wasn't my place of expertise, and I hate that they knew it.

I rope went around my neck, but I pulled it from my throat quickly and cut it with one go. A few of the ones I stabbed dropped their weapons. I used those to my best example. I may have stabbed about ten.

I don't think I've killed anybody, but I damaged them enough for them to stay put. Many tried to grab my hair, and I had to cut their arms while usually kicking the ones in front of me to hold them off.

There was still a big crowd that hadn't even been touched yet. They are just patiently waiting their turns. I was grabbed from behind for the hundredth time, and I accidentally dropped my knife. "Shit!" One of the ones in front of me grabbed my knife.

He wiped the blood off of it and gave me a smirk of pure evil. A third guy came in and punched me in the gut. I groan in pain. The guy with my blade tries to uppercut me with the blade. I knock my head back as best I can to dodge the knife.

I squeezed my eyes tight, scared that this was my fate. I hear something scatter on the floor. I hear gasp around the room. I open my eyes. Everyone now had fear visible on their faces. I slip my hand through the guy's tight grip.

The necklace was gone. Shock turning into confidence, my face grew a smirk. My eyes glowed purple, and I escaped the man's grip. He hit the floor hard. I formed purple in my hands. "Anybody want a turn?" I ask with my confidence growing like a weed.

They all yelled loudly as they all came at me. A purple wave went through the hall. They all dropped dead. I relaxed my powers and became normal. "I gave you a chance." I say to the dead. Someone turns the corner walking into the hall.

I form purple in my hands from the fright. It was Steve. I relaxed myself. "Y/n?" He calls. I walk over to him. "We came here to help. How were you able to escape?"
"It's a long story, but I made it out myself. And Steve, I was able to fight without my powers and win! I was amazing it was incredible!"

I explain happily. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "I'm happy for you, Y/n, truly." I smile only bigger. I place my hand on his. "Thanks, Steve, for coming back."
"We came to avenge you. That's our job."

We take a moment just smiling at each other. I get back into the moment. "So what do we do now?"
"Well, we caught Nicholas Heath."
"That's his name?"
"The guy who held you captive, yeah."

I give a disgusted look. "He is being very resistful, though."
"Where's Marcus?" I ask. "Who's Marcus?"
"Heath's kid. You haven't seen him?"
"No, we didn't know he had a son."
"Yeah, he is an ally of mine. According to him, his father made him help around here."

"How old's the kid?" Steve asks. "Seventeen? I haven't asked."
"Alright, come with me." I follow. We meet up with everybody on the ground floor. Natasha gave me a hug, and Clint held himself back. "Good to see you again, Y/n." He says. He pats me on the back.

"No, I'm not going!" I hear Heath yell. "Just can't leave quietly." I say out loud. Tony, in his suit, was leading him outside to the police. I follow behind. "Can we take care of this, please?" Tony says in his normal sassy tone. I walk up beside him.

"You!" He shrieks. "How did you get it off?" He says, upset. "One of your men went to cut my throat and accidentally freed me in the process. You're welcome." I say with a smile. "Y/n!" A hear a voice call. Marcus came running up beside me.

He looks at his father. "You kept your promise." He stated. "Marcus!" His dad yells. "You betrayed me!" He screams in anger. "No, I did what's right. You should be grateful to still be alive, dad." Heath looked shocked by his son's words.

A police officer walked up to Nicholas. He held out handcuffs. Heath jerks away from Tony and grabs the officer's gun. He shoots at Marcus, but I jump in his way. Tony blasts Heath in the side with his palm.

The bullet was in my stomach. I groan in pain. "Y/n?" Tony asks. With my power, I pull the bullet out. "It's been a while since I've taken a shot." I stated. I started to heal myself. "Dad?" Marcus calls. Heath was on the ground dying. Marcus sits beside him.

His father was taking his last breaths. "Dad?" Marcus repetitively shook him. "Marcus, move, let me help."
"Is he dead?" Marcus asks with tears in his eyes. I gently push Marcus out of the way. "Not if I can help it." I hover my hand over his side.

My power present, I started to heal his side. A few seconds later, Heath gasps a breath of air. "Dad?" Marcus calls. "What happened?" He asks. "You tried to shoot me, but Y/n took my place."
"How am I still alive?" He asks his son. "Y/n's healing you, dad."

"I'm helping you." I correct. "The doctors are going to be doing the healing." I finish. Pretty soon, Heath was on a medical bed and going to a hospital. Marcus stayed by his side. I turned my attention towards Tony. "I missed ya, kid." I smile. "I missed you too, Tony."

"Y/n!" Seven voices chime behind Tony. I look behind him. Seven men, my brothers, came running towards me. They all took a turn, hugging me. Then came all the questions of my well-being. I smiled and looked at Tony.

"How about we talk about this together. With everybody, over drinks, at night?" I suggest. "And the ladies want some more!" Tony says weirdly.

The Newest Avenger (Marvel × Reader) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now